This table contains all of the coupons issued to
individual customers.
Column Descriptions:
Name | Type | Description |
PX_COUPON_ID | BIGINT NOT NULL | The primary key of a coupon. This is the coupon
ID. |
USERS_ID | BIGINT | Foreign key to the USERS table. The identified
customer is the owner of this coupon, if the coupon is issued to a
registered user. |
STOREENT_ID | INTEGER NOT NULL | Foreign key to the STOREENT table. The store
entity ID, plus the name, plus the version uniquely identify the
promotion for which this coupon is issued. |
VERSION | INTEGER NOT NULL | The version of the promotion for which this
coupon is issued. |
EFFECTIVE | TIMESTAMP NOT NULL | The date on which this coupon first becomes
active. |
EXPIRE | TIMESTAMP NOT NULL | The date when this coupon expires. |
STATUS | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | The current status of this coupon:
0: active
1: canceled
2: being used in an order but not finalized yet
3: expired
4: deleted
The default value is 0. |
ORDERS_ID | BIGINT | Foreign key to the ORDERS table. If this coupon
is being used in an order, or applied to an order and canceled,
this identifies the order. |
GUESTID | VARCHAR (64) | This is the token by which this guest user will
be recognized next time, if the coupon is issued to a guest
user. |
NAME | VARCHAR (128) NOT NULL | The name of the promotion for which this coupon
is issued. |
CODE | VARCHAR (128) | An optional code to identify this coupon. |
OPTCOUNTER | SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | The optimistic concurrency control counter for
the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter
is incremented. |
Name | Column Names | Type |
I0000389 | STOREENT_ID+NAME+VERSION | Non-Unique Index |
I0000390 | ORDERS_ID+USERS_ID | Non-Unique Index |
I0000391 | ORDERS_ID+GUESTID | Non-Unique Index |
I0000404 | STOREENT_ID | Non-Unique Index |
I0000405 | USERS_ID | Non-Unique Index |
I0000406 | ORDERS_ID | Non-Unique Index |
Constrained By Parent Tables:
Constraint | Columns | Parent Table | Parent Columns | Type |
F_1052 | USERS_ID | USERS | USERS_ID | Cascade |
F_1054 | ORDERS_ID | ORDERS | ORDERS_ID | Cascade |