Each row of this table represents a rule. It can be used to convert a quantity amount from one QuantityUnit (unit of measurement) to another QuantityUnit.
Each row of this table represents the Language-dependent part of a QuantityUnit formatting rule. It describes how to format (for display purposes) a quantity amount in a particular QuantityUnit, in a particular Language.
Each row of this table represents the Language-independent part of a QuantityUnit formatting rule. If a Store has no formatting rule for a particular QuantityUnit, it uses the formatting rule of its StoreGroup.
Each row of this table represents a QuantityUnit. A QuantityUnit is a unit of measurement, such as kilogram, meter, liter, pound, foot, quart, and so on. Note: Do not remove the row for the default QTYUNIT_ID C62 (the unitless unit).
Each row in this table describes a QuantityUnit in a particular language.
Each row of this table maps a QuantityUnit (defined in the QTYUNIT table) to a unit of measurement code defined in an external standard.
This table is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only.
This table is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only.
This table is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only.