- Running utilities from the Utility server Docker container
To run utilities, enter the Utility server Docker container container and use a bash shell.
- acpload
The acpload utility loads the XML files that contain the main access control policies into the appropriate databases.
- acpnlsload
The acpnlsload utility loads the XML files that contain display names and descriptions into the appropriate databases.
- acugload
The acugload utility loads the XML files containing the user (access) group definitions into the appropriate databases.
- ContractExport
This URL exports a contract to an XML file.
- ContractImportApprovedVersion
This URL imports a contract in XML format into HCL Commerce.
- create_marketplace_workspace utility
Use the create_marketplace_workspace utility to create a workspace that is Marketplace-enabled.
- dataload
This utility loads data from a source file into a target database. Loading the file populates and updates the HCL Commerce database. You can also use the Data Load utility to delete data from a database.
- dataextract
The Data Extract utility, which uses the Data Load utility framework, extracts data from the HCL Commerce database into an output file.
- dbclean
The Database Cleanup utility (dbclean) removes unused or obsolete objects from the database.
- di-parallelprocess
The di-parallel-process utility indexes preprocessed shards based on a configured input properties file.
- encryptchallengeanswer
The encryptChallengeAnswer utility encrypts plain text data that is stored in the database column USERREG.CHALLENGEANSWER.
- exportstats
This utility exports marketing statistics to an XML file.
- generateJWKS
The generateJWKS utility generates a JSON Web Key in JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) format. This JWKS can be configured for the Transaction server to sign JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for bearer authentication.
- hcl-cache-benchmark
The hcl-cache-benchmark utility enables you to benchmark HCL Cache operations, such as Put, Get, Invalidate, and Clears.
- hcl-cache-rdb
The hcl-cache-rdb utility consumes a Redis RDB file. RDB files are point-in-time snapshots of the Redis memory contents, and are used for replication and fail-over.
- importstats
This utility imports marketing statistics from a source XML file.
- MigrateEncryptedInfo
MigrateEncryptedInfo is a utility for changing the merchant key and re-encrypting all encrypted data in the database.
- MigrateEncryptedFiles
The MigrateEncryptedFiles utility updates the encrypted information in configuration files from 3DES encryption to AES encryption, and sets the encryption mechanism to AES.
- RunSQL
The runSQL utility runs SQL statements defined in one or more files against a database.
- seourlkeywordgen
When you are installing the search engine optimization feature to create shorter SEO friendly URLs, HCL Commerce needs SEO keywords for the product and category pages of the store. The seourlkeywordgen utility creates these SEO keywords that are based on the object name.
- stagingcopy utility
The stagingcopy utility copies data from the production database to the production-ready data on a staging or authoring environment.
- stagingprop utility
The stagingprop utility propagates staged data and managed files from the production-ready data to the production environment. It consolidates the changed data from the production-ready database, and then it propagates the necessary changed data into the production database if the connection is available.
- updatedb
The updatedb utility updates the HCL Commerce database to the latest release level that is installed on your system.
- updateua
You can use the updateua utility to update the database user authorizations for a user or schema on an HCL Commerce database. You can use this utility in any environment to update user authorizations to grant or revoke authorization for any database object that you own.
- updateVersionSchema
The UpdateVersionSchema
utility identifies which tables to be versioned, and then creates the tables in your version schema. This utility replicates newly added tables marked to be versioned from the base schema into the version schema.
- Ant target: CM_updateWorkspacesSchema
Use the update workspaces schema script when you change your base schema and need to update your workspaces schema to include the changes.
- Ant target: CM_updateWorkspacesTable
Use the update workspaces table script when you make schema changes to a table and need to update your workspaces schema to include the changes.
- versionInfo
The versionInfo utility displays HCL Commerce level.
- wcs_encrypt
The wcs_encrypt utility encrypts sensitive information with an optional encryption key.
- wcs_password
The wcs_password utility is used for encrypting user passwords to be stored in the HCL Commerce database.
- webFeedLoad utility
The webFeedLoad utility facilitates the integration of a web feed with HCL Commerce.