PX_PROMOTION_ID | INTEGER NOT NULL | The promotion ID. This is a primary key. |
PRIORITY | INTEGER NOT NULL | The priority of the promotion. |
STATUS | INTEGER NOT NULL | The current status of a promotion. Possible
values include:
0: inactive
1: active
2: marked for deletion
3: suspended
4: obsolete
5: activating
6: archived |
EXCLSVE | INTEGER NOT NULL | The exclusivity of a promotion. Possible values
0: This promotion may be combined with any other promotions
1: This promotion can not be combined with any other
promotions in the same promotion group
2: This promotion can not be combined with any other
3: This promotion can not be combined with any promotion in
the product level promotion group
4: This promotion can be stacked on top of other promotions
in the same promotion group
TYPE | INTEGER NOT NULL | Contains the type of the promotion. Possible
values include:
0: This promotion is applicable to people who belong to one
or more of the targeted customer profiles. When the targeted
profile file list is empty, it applies to everyone
1: This promotion is applicable only to those to whom it has
been explicitly granted, that is, this promotion is a coupon
promotion |
PERORDLMT | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 | The number of times this promotion can be applied
to a single order. A value of -1, which is the default, imposes no
limit. |
PERSHOPPERLMT | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 | The number of times a customer can redeem this
promotion. A value of -1, which is the default, imposes no
limit. |
TOTALLMT | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 | The overall limit on the number of times this
promotion can be redeemed. A value of -1, which is the default,
imposes no limit. |
RSV_INT | INTEGER | Reserved for HCL internal use. |
PX_GROUP_ID | INTEGER NOT NULL | Foreign key to the PX_GROUP table. This
identifies the promotion group to which this promotion
belongs. |
CAMPAIGN_ID | INTEGER | Foreign key to CAMPAIGN table. This identifies
the campaign with which this promotion is associated. This field is
intended for customization and not used by default. |
STOREENT_ID | INTEGER NOT NULL | Foreign key to the STOREENT table. This
identifies the store to which this promotion belongs. |
VERSION | INTEGER NOT NULL | The version number of this promotion. |
REVISION | INTEGER NOT NULL | The revision number of this promotion. |
EFFECTIVE | INTEGER | If this promotion is a private promotion, this
column defines how many days after the coupon is issued the coupon
becomes active. |
TRANSFER | INTEGER DEFAULT 0 | If this promotion is a private promotion, the
value in this column determines whether the coupons generated for
this promotion are transferable or not. A value of 0, which is the
default, does not allow the coupon to be transferred among
customers. |
CDREQUIRED | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | A flag that determines whether a promotion code
is required to redeem this promotion. A value of 0, which is the
default, means that a code is not required. |
EXPIRE | INTEGER | If this promotion is a private promotion, this
column defines how many days, after the coupon becomes active, it
expires. |
LASTUPDATEBY | BIGINT | The ID of the user that last modified the
promotion. |
LASTUPDATE | TIMESTAMP | The timestamp of the most recent update to this
promotion. |
STARTDATE | TIMESTAMP NOT NULL | The overall starting date for this
promotion. |
ENDDATE | TIMESTAMP NOT NULL | The overall end date for this promotion. |
RSV_TIME | TIMESTAMP | Reserved for HCL internal use. |
RSV_REAL | DECIMAL (20,5) | Reserved for HCL internal use. |
TGTSALES | DECIMAL (20,5) | The target sales figure for this promotion. |
NAME | VARCHAR (128) NOT NULL | The name of the promotion. |
CODE | VARCHAR (128) | The promotion code for this promotion. |
RSV_VCH | VARCHAR (254) | Reserved for HCL internal use. |
XMLPARAM | CLOB (3000000) | The XML definition of this promotion. |
OPTCOUNTER | SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | The optimistic concurrency control counter for
the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter
is incremented. |