Each row specifies the relationship between a store
and available widgets. Each available widget is allowed to be added
to page layouts within the specified store.
Column Descriptions:
Name | Type | Description |
PLSTOREWIDGET_ID | BIGINT NOT NULL | Primary key for the table. |
STOREENT_ID | INTEGER NOT NULL | The primary key of the store in which the store
to widget association exists. Foreign key to the STOREENT
table. |
PLWIDGETDEF_ID | BIGINT NOT NULL | Defines and specifies details of a widget.
Foreign key to the PLWIDGETDEF table. |
STATE | SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 | State of the subscription. If a widget should no
longer be used in a store, set this value to 0. Stores are allowed
to use inactive widgets however these widgets can no longer be
assigned to page layouts through business tools.
0 - Inactive
1 - Active |
DEFINITIONXML | CLOB (1000000) | When a store subscribes to a widget by making an
entry in the PLSTOREWIDGET table, it can optionally provide it's
own definition XML to override the definition set during widget
registration. See the PLWIDGETDEF table to view the widget
definition. |
OPTCOUNTER | SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | The optimistic concurrency control counter for
the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter
is incremented. |
Name | Column Names | Type |
P_0020 | PLSTOREWIDGET_ID | Primary Key |
I0001512 | PLWIDGETDEF_ID+STOREENT_ID | Unique Index |
I0001513 | STOREENT_ID | Non-Unique Index |
Constrained By Parent Tables:
Constraint | Columns | Parent Table | Parent Columns | Type |