This table is used to temporarily store errors during promotion code generation on Oracle. This table has the same columns as the PX_CDPOOL table with a few additional columns for Oracle's use. Note: This table only exists on the Oracle database.
Column Descriptions:
Name | Type | Description |
ORA_ERR_NUMBER$ | BIGINT | Data type: NUMBER. Oracle error number. |
ORA_ERR_MESG$ | VARCHAR (2000) | Data type: VARCHAR2(2000). Oracle error message text. |
ORA_ERR_ROWID$ | VARCHAR (18) | Data type: ROWID. The RowID of the row causing the error. |
ORA_ERR_OPTYP$ | VARCHAR (2) | Type of operation: I: Insert U: Update D: Delete |
ORA_ERR_TAG$ | VARCHAR (2000) | Value of the tag in the error logging. |
STORE_ID | OTHER | Data type: NUMBER(38). Key to STORE |
USAGETYPE | OTHER | Data type: NUMBER(38) 0: Private, single use 1: Public, multi uses |
CODE | VARCHAR (128) | Data type: VARCHAR2(128). The code string. |
STATUS | OTHER | Data type: NUMBER(38) 0: Inactive 1: Active 2: Mark for delete |
TRANSFERABLE | OTHER | Data type: NUMBER(38) 0: Transferring allowed 1: Transferring not allowed |
VALIDFROM | TIMESTAMP | Currently not in use |
VALIDUNTIL | TIMESTAMP | Currently not in use |
OPTCOUNTER | OTHER | The optimistic concurrency control counter for the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter is incremented. |
REFERENCE_ID | BIGINT | Data type: NUMBER. The unique identifier of the promotion that has the code associated with it. |
INTERNAL_ID | BIGINT | Data type: NUMBER. For unique promotion codes, this column will always have a value of 0 to ensure that the same code is not used in another promotion in the store. For public promotion codes, this column will have a unique value to allow multiple promotions to share the same code. |
WORKSPACE | VARCHAR (25) | This column will have the value 'IBM_WC_BASE' to indicate that the unique promotion codes are present in base schema. When the codes are generated from the context of a workspace, this column will hold the name of the workspace. |
TASKGROUP | VARCHAR (25) | When the codes are generated from the context of a workspace, this column will hold the name of the taskgroup. |