WebSphere Commerce EnterpriseFeature Pack 2WebSphere Commerce Version Commerce ProfessionalFeature Pack 1

Working on tasks

If workspaces are enabled, you must be in working mode before you can work on activities that have been assigned to you in the Management Center. Once in working mode, any changes made to your store in the Management Center, are made only within the workspace to which the task belongs.

Introduced in Feature Pack 3Note: The Workspace Management tool replaces all of the workspace management features in the Workspace Administration Tool and the Tasks tool.


  1. Open the Tasks tool.
  2. Find the task you want to work on.
  3. Right-click the task in the list view; then click Work On, or click the task in the list view; then in the Edit menu, click Edit > Work On.
    The status icon changes to Work in progress Work in progress. The Management Center changes from read-only mode to working mode.
  4. Navigate to the Management Center menu; then select a tool to start working in.


You can now work on the assigned task. The name of the task, and the name of the workspace the task belongs to, display on the banner.

If you stop working on a task without completing it, for example, to work on another task, or to work on approved content, or to log out, you can save your progress, and return to the task later.