Deleting activities

Deleting your activities removes completed or inactive activities from the Management Center.

Before you begin

You can only delete an activity if it is in the inactive state. If you want to delete an active activity, you must deactivate it first.

WebSphere Commerce EnterpriseIf you are using extended sites, and logged in to an extended site, you can delete activities if the activity belongs to the extended site store. If the activity belongs to the asset store, you can only delete the activity if your user ID has access to the asset store.

Note: If you are attempting to delete an e-mail activity that has been sent to customers, you must first deactivate it, and then delete it. However, once it has been deactivated, you cannot reactivate it, and can no longer edit it. Attempting to reactivate or edit such an e-mail activity will result in the following error message:
The activity cannot be modified because the e-mail has already been sent or is scheduled to be sent at the next daily e-mail delivery time.


  1. Open the Marketing tool.
  2. From the explorer view, click Activities.
    The Activities - List page opens.
  3. Right-click the activity that you want to delete; then click Delete.


The selected activity is deleted, and the Activities - List page is updated.