Viewing the change set of a UCM activity

The change set of a UCM activity is the list of specific element versions that were created during the development task represented by the activity. You can use the ClearCase® UCM Activities view to display the change set of a UCM activity.


To view the change set of a UCM activity:
  1. Use the ClearCase UCM Activities view to select the activity whose change set you want to view. Each activity is represented by the activity icon icon.
  2. Expand the node for the activity to display the elements in the change set.
  3. Expand the element nodes to display the specific versions of each element that are included in the change set. Each element version is represented by the changeset version icon icon.


Using the options available on the context menu for a version you can choose to move the version to another activity, compare the version with its change set predecessor, compare the version with its predecessor, or view the properties of the version. Note that you can also view the change set of a UCM activity with the ClearCase activity properties page, but you cannot perform any compare or move operations on the versions when using this dialog.