Using UCM

Unified Change Management (UCM) is a structured development process that is based on DevOps Code ClearCase® tools.

Before you begin

Before developers can start using UCM, a project manager must define one or more UCM projects. The project manager creates the project as an object in a project VOB. This object contains only the metadata (for example, components, activities, policies) needed to manage and track the work on a product. It does not contain any project resources (source code, documentation, and so on).

About this task

Note: ClearCase and Eclipse use the term project to describe different aspects of software development. An Eclipse project defines a resource hierarchy such as a folder that contains Java source files. A ClearCase UCM project defines how a group of people manage changes to resources, using baselines, activities, and streams. Members of a UCM project can work on one or more Eclipse projects.


To start using UCM:
  1. Ask your project manager for the name of the UCM project to join. You also need the name of the Project VOB in which the project is defined and, if you are creating a Web view, you also need the URL to use for accessing the CCRC WAN server.
  2. Click the join UCM project icon icon on the ClearCase toolbar to start the Join UCM Project wizard.