Exploring ClearCase repositories

Use the ClearTeam Navigator and ClearTeam Details view to explore ClearCase® repositories and views.

Before you begin

Before you can explore the contents of remote ClearCase repositories (VOBs), you must create a ClearCase view.

About this task

With the ClearTeam Navigator view and ClearTeam Details view you can explore resources in ClearCase views.


To explore ClearCase repositories:
  1. If you are using a Web view or automatic view, select the view under the My Views node in the ClearTeam Navigator.
    To connect to the CCRC WAN server, click the clearcase server con icon on the ClearCase toolbar or select Connect from the ClearCase context menu.
  2. If you are using a Dynamic view, ensure that the view is mounted and started, then select the view under the My Views node in the ClearTeam Navigator.
  3. Use the ClearTeam Navigator and ClearTeam Details view to explore local resources, remote resources, or both:
    • In the ClearTeam Navigator, click the plus sign (+) to the left of a folder to expand the folder and display any folders it contains. A folder that contains only files cannot be expanded in the ClearTeam Navigator. The files it contains are listed in the ClearTeam Details view.
    • In the ClearTeam Navigator, select a folder to display its contents in the ClearTeam Details view.
    • In the ClearTeam Details view, double-click a folder to display the files or folders that it contains. This action also selects the folder in the ClearTeam Navigator.


The resources are displayed in the ClearCase view.
Note: If you are browsing a Web view or automatic view that is connected to the CCRC WAN server running Linux or the UNIX system, you typically must expand one or more VOB tag components (parts of the path name to a VOB storage directory) before you can access VOB contents. In the ClearTeam Details view, VOB tag components are listed with a Kind value of VOB Tag Component. No operations are permitted on a VOB Tag Component.