Browsing and working on existing activities

Use the ClearCase® UCM Activities view, or the Find an activity dialog box to browse the list of existing activities in a UCM stream. This dialog box is accessible from any dialog box that requires you to specify an activity.

Before you begin

In a UCM project that is enabled for Rational® ClearQuest®, you must also be logged in to the Rational ClearQuest database that holds the project's activities.

About this task

To browse existing activities in the ClearCase UCM Activities view, click the UCM activities icon My Activities item of a UCM ClearCase view in the ClearTeam Navigator or double-click the My Activities item in a ClearTeam Details view. The ClearCase UCM Activities view opens and displays a list of your activities in the stream. Expand the activity node to view the ClearCase elements and element versions that are included in the change set of the activity.

To browse existing activities in the ClearTeam Details view, click the UCM activities icon My Activities item of a UCM ClearCase view in the ClearTeam Navigator to display activity details in the ClearTeam Details view. Select an activity and then choose Work On from the context menu. The selected activity becomes the view's current activity.


To open the Find an activity dialog box:
  1. Open a Controls in the checkout dialog box, Check in, or Add Resources to Source Control dialog box.
  2. In the Select Activity section of the dialog box, click Find to open the Find an activity dialog box.
    In a UCM project that is enabled for Rational ClearQuest, the list of existing activities is, by default, the result of the ClearQuest query UCMCustomQuery1, which typically lists all activities that are assigned to the current user and are in a Ready or Active state. In a UCM project that is not enabled for Rational ClearQuest, the list of existing activities includes all activities in the stream.
  3. Select an activity to associate with the operation and click OK.