Connecting to a Rational ClearQuest user database

You must connect to a Rational® ClearQuest® user database to access resources in ClearQuest repositories.

About this task

To connect, you must enter your login information when you attempt to access a ClearQuest database. If single sign-on is enabled, you must do this only the first time you access a repository.


To establish a connection to a ClearQuest user database:
  1. Open the CCRC WAN Server dialog box. You can do this in either of the following ways:
    • In the ClearTeam Navigator, click the clearcase server icon icon on the ClearCase® toolbar or select ClearCase > Connect from the menu bar.
    • If you have previously established a connection to the ClearQuest server, select the ClearQuest node for that server in the ClearTeam Navigator, right-click, and select Connect.
  2. Enter the URL for the ClearQuest server in the Server URL field or select a server URL from the drop-down menu. The ClearQuest server URL generally takes the following form: http://<server:port>/TeamWeb/services/Team. When the ClearTeam Explorer recognizes the URL you entered as a ClearQuest server URL, the User Name and Password fields become inactive. Click OK to add the ClearQuest server name to the ClearTeam Navigator.
  3. In the ClearTeam Navigator, click the plus sign (+) next to the ClearQuest server name to display the ClearQuest databases.
    When you click on a ClearQuest database, the ClearQuest dialog box appears.
  4. Type your user name into the User Name text box.
    The user name must be associated with permissions to access the ClearQuest user database.
  5. Type your password into the Password text box.
  6. Click OK.


If the user name and password are valid, you are connected to the ClearQuest user database, and you can explore the contents of the selected repository.