Moving resources

You can use the ClearTeam Navigator or ClearCase® Details view to move resources under ClearCase source control. On Windows systems, you can also perform this operation from Windows Explorer. This operation affects resources (versions) in the local ClearCase view and elements in the VOB.

About this task

You can move an element that is under ClearCase source control, a version of an element or a view-private resource. If the resource is under source control, it must be moved to a location under ClearCase source control. If the target location is not under ClearCase control, you are prompted to add it. Moving a resource under ClearCase source control creates a new version of the directory that now contains the resource and a new version of the directory that no longer contains the resource.


To move an element that is under ClearCase source control, a version of an element or a view-private resource, complete the following steps:
  1. Select the resource(s) to move, and open the Move dialog box by performing one of the following actions:
    • Right-click, and select Move in the context menu.
    • Select Actions > Move from the ClearCase menu.
    • Drag and drop the resources to the destination location in the ClearTeam Navigator view, the Details view or Windows Explorer.
    The Move dialog box opens. If the Move dialog box opens as the result of a drag and drop operation, the destination field is populated with the location that the resource was dropped on.
  2. Specify the destination for the resource(s): enter or edit the location in the Destination field or click Browse to navigate to and select the location.
  3. Click OK.