HCL Commerce Version or later

Creating a new seller

The Management Center allows you to create a new seller using the Marketplace tool.


  1. Open Management Center Tools.
  2. From the hamburger menu, select the Marketplace tool. Within the tool, there is a Sellers tab, and a Marketplaces tab (if there are multiple marketplaces).
  3. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Business tools > Marketplace > Onboard New Seller.
  4. Click on the Sellers tab. A landing page has all the existing sellers created for the selected Catalog Asset Store.
  5. Click on Onboard New Seller for creating a new seller.
  6. Onboard New Seller page opens.
  7. Enter Seller Organization Information in the following fields:
    • Provide the Seller Name.
    • Provide the First Name of the seller.
    • Provide the Last Name of the seller.
    • Enter the Street Address in line 1 and line 2.
      Note: Line 2 is optional.
    • Enter the name of the Country.
    • Enter the name of the City.
    • Enter the name of the State.
      Note: This is an optional field.
    • Provide the Zip/Postal Code.
    • Provide the Email Address.
  8. Click Next to provide the Seller Organization Display Information.
  9. In the Seller Organization Display Information enter the following information that can be translated and used on the storefront.
    • Enter the Seller Name.
    • Enter the Seller Description.
    • Click on Add Translation to add the translation. All the languages are listed on the right side of the page.
      Note: To add multiple languages, follow Supported Languages document.
    • Click on the check box given besides the language that you want to see on the storefront.
    • Provide the translated Seller Name and Seller Description for all the selected languages in the respective language fields.
      Note: Translations that are left empty will use values from the default language. United States English is the default language used.
  10. Click Next to create a seller admin user.
    Note: You can go back to update seller organization display information by clicking on Back.
  11. In the Create Seller Admin User field, enter the following information:
    • Enter the valid Login ID for the user.
    • Enter the Password you want to keep for the user.
      Note: The password must at least 8 characters long which includes a combination of letters and alphabets.
    • Enter the First Name of the user.
    • Enter the Last Name of the user.
    • Provide the valid Email Address of the user.
    • Provide the Phone Number.
  12. Click Next to assign a seller to marketplaces.
    Note: You can go back to update seller admin user information by clicking on Back.
  13. Assign To Marketplaces page opens. From the list of available marketplaces, select the marketplaces you want to assign to the seller.
  14. Click Next to select categories of products a seller can sell.
    Note: You can go back to update store selection by clicking on Back.
  15. Seller Categories page opens. You can browse the categories and select them or enter the name of the category in Find Category column and select the category.
    Note: This is an optional step and can be skipped while creating a seller.
  16. Click the check box given in front of the category. All the selected categories and total number of categories will be shown on the right side column.
    Note: When a category is selected, all the subcategories are selected by default.
  17. Click Finish to create a seller. You can go back to update assigning marketplaces by clicking on Back.
  18. A new seller is created successfully and gets listed on the seller homepage.
    Note: A newly created seller is always in a deactivated state. Follow Activating a seller to proceed further.