HCL Commerce Version or later

Catalog Updates

HCL Commerce allows the Marketplace Operator to create, search, cancel, and filter catalog update requests. They can also refresh the catalog updates home page to load the updated information. The Marketplace Operator can access the catalog entries through the Seller Dashboard. As a Marketplace Operator, you can download the .CSV file containing all the information about the products available for shoppers on the storefront. You can update and upload the .CSV file for the latest product attributes.

Note: Catalog Update is accessible only in the Auth environment. You cannot access the Catalog functionality through the live environment.
Note: Only the Marketplace Operator assigned with the Workspace task group approver role can approve catalog update requests.
Note: The products uploaded from the .CSV file are for the Master catalog only. If the sales catalog for the marketplace store uses linked sales categories, the catalog entries are linked to sales categories automatically. However, if the sales catalog does not use a linked sales category, the Marketplace Operator must manually add the products and SKUs to the corresponding sales categories. See Sales catalogs for the overview of sales catalogs. To add products to a sales category, see Assigning catalog entries to a single sales category for more information.
HCL Commerce Version or later

Configure product attribute limit

Management Center has added support for the Marketplace Operator to configure the product attribute limit. Follow the steps below to configure the number of attributes associated with the product.
  • Open the wc-component.xml file from the WC/xml/config/com.ibm.commerce.foundation location.
  • Update SellerAttributeLimit property below MarketplaceSettings configgrouping.
  • Restart the server.
    Note: The default SellerAttributeLimit value is 9.

Configure a delimiter to perform catalog upload and download

CSV files use the comma character (,) as the default field delimiter. The Management Center has added support for the semicolon (;) to allow the Marketplace Operator to perform catalog uploads and downloads.

HCL Commerce DeveloperDevelopment Environment
Follow the steps given below to perform the configuration.
  1. Open for editing the wc-dataload.xml files in /WC/xml/config/com.ibm.commerce.marketplace/dataextract and /WC/xml/config/com.ibm.commerce.marketplace/dataload.
  2. Locate the following line:
    <_config:property name="tokenDelimiter" value="," /> 
  3. Change the value attribute to ";".
    <_config:property name="tokenDelimiter" value=";" />
HCL Commerce runtime environmentRuntime Environment

During deployment, add the environment variable "USE_SEMICOLON_FOR_MARKETPLACE_CSV_DELIMITER=true" to the Transaction server.

If you are using Vault as your configuration center, add a Vault property "/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/useSemiColonForMarketplaceCSVDelimiter" and set it to "true".