Updating store information

Use the Store Management tool to change general information for your store, such as the store profile, store location, and store contact information.


  1. Open Management Center tools.
  2. HCL Commerce Version or later From the hamburger menu, click Manage Store > Stores Management. The Stores list view displays, containing a list of the stores that you are authorized to work with.
  3. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Business tools > Store Management > Manage Stores.
  4. In the explorer view filter, click Stores.
    The Stores list view displays, containing a list of the stores that you are authorized to work with.
  5. Right-click the store that you want to change the information for; then, click Open to open the properties view for the selected store.
  6. Click the Store Properties tab.
  7. Expand the Store Profile section and change the following information for your store, as required:
    Display name The name of the store to display in the storefront, for example, Aurora.
    Description Enter a description for the selected store. This field accepts HTML tagging.
    Supported currencies Add or remove currencies and change the default currency.
    • To add support for a currency in the selected store:
      1. Above the Supported currencies table, click Create New icon to add a row to the table.
      2. From the list of available currencies in this new row, click the currency that you want to add to the store.
    • To remove support for a currency from the selected store:
      1. In the Supported currencies table, select the row for the currency that you do not want to support in the store.
      2. Above the table, click Delete icon to delete the selected currency.
    • To change the default supported currency in the selected store, select the radio button for the currency that you want to set as the default currency for the store.
    Supported languages Add or remove languages and change the default language.
    • To add support for a language in the selected store:
      1. Above the Supported languages table, click Create New icon to add a row to the table.
      2. From the list of available languages in this new row, click the language that you want to add to the store.
        HCL Commerce EnterpriseNote: When the selected store is an asset store or an extended site store, the list of available languages for the extended site store is determined by the asset store. When you use the Store Management tool to add support for a language to the asset store, that language is also available for the extended site store. Add support for a language to an asset store only when all of the correct assets (such as properties files) are deployed for that language.
    • To remove support for a language from the selected store:
      1. In the Supported languages table, select the row for the language that you do not want to support in the store.
      2. Above the table, click Delete icon to delete the selected language.
    • To change the default supported language in the selected store, select the radio button for the language that you want to set as the default language for the store.
  8. Expand the Store Location section and in the various address fields, change the address information for the selected store, as required.
    Note: If the store supports more than one input language, these address fields display in both English (default language) and the additional input language, such as German.
  9. Expand the Store Contact section and in the various fields, change the contact information for the selected store, as required.
    Note: If the store supports more than one input language, these fields display in both English (default language) and the additional input language, such as German.
  10. Optional: Click the Search Engine Optimization tab to change the SEO desktop URL keyword for static store pages:
    1. From the table of search engine optimization static pages, select the row for the static page that you want to change.
    2. In the Desktop URL keyword field, update desktop URL keyword with the new value that you want to use.
    HCL Commerce EnterpriseExtended site store HCL Commerce EnterpriseFor extended site stores, both the storefront asset store and the extended site store are displayed.
    1. Expand the section for the extended site store.
      Note: By default, the desktop URL keyword for the storefront asset store and the extended site store are the same.
    2. From the table of search engine optimization pages, select the row for the static page that you want to change.
    3. In the Desktop URL keyword field, update the desktop URL keyword with the new value that you want to use for the extended site store.
  11. Click Save to save your changes.