HCL Commerce Version or later

Trusted sellers

Marketplace Sellers are categorised as Trusted and Non-trusted sellers. The main advantage of trusted sellers is that they do not require approval to update catalogs or change seller details. This document shows you how to enable a seller as a trusted seller.


  1. Open Management Center Tools.
  2. From the hamburger menu, select the Marketplace tool. Within the tool, there is a Sellers tab, and a Marketplaces tab (if there are multiple marketplaces).
  3. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Business tools > Marketplace > Manage Sellers.
  4. If you have only one marketplace assigned, follow the steps given below to enable a seller as a trusted seller:
    • Click on Manage Seller. A manage seller page opens for the selected seller.
    • From the Global Actions menu, enable the toggle button for Trusted Seller option.
  5. If you have more than one marketplaces assigned, follow the steps given below to enable a seller as a trusted seller:
    • You can enable a seller as a trusted seller from the Marketplaces tab:
      • Click on Manage Seller Globally option given in the same row of the seller name. Manage Seller page opens.
      • From the Global Actions menu, enable the toggle button for Trusted Seller option. The seller is enabled as a trusted seller.
    • You can enable a seller as a trusted seller from the Sellers tab:
      • From the landing page click on the seller name. Manage Seller page opens.
      • From the Global Actions menu, enable the toggle button for Trusted Seller option. The seller is enabled as a trusted seller.


This seller will be marked as a trusted seller and does not require approval for updating Catalogs and Seller details.