HCL Commerce Version or later


Potential Seller can register themselves from the Marketplace Store. Marketplace Operators and Site Administrators can approve or reject the seller registration request through the Management Center. If the seller registration request is approved, initially, he has the Marketplace Seller role and Marketplace Seller Administrator role for that Marketplace Seller organization.

The registration application is open for potential sellers in the Marketplace e-site store. See Registering a seller in Marketplace for more information.

Only Marketplace Operators and Site Administrators can view and access the Approvals tab in the Marketplace tool. The landing page of the Approvals tab will have all the Pending requests listed by default.
Note: Approvals tab is accessible only in the Auth environment.
You can perform the following functions from the landing page:
  • Search seller registration requests by seller name or email id.
  • Filter seller registration requests by status
  • Filter seller registration requests by date range
  • Sort all the columns in ascending or descending order
  • Approve seller registration requests
  • Reject seller registration requests
The process flow involves the updating of several database tables, as shown in the following diagram.

A newly created seller registration request is always shown at the top of the list. Once the request is approved, a seller is registered for the Marketplace and the same seller is also listed on the seller dashboard page.

A newly registered seller is initially in a Deactivate state. See Activating a seller for more information.