HCL Commerce Version or later

Changing a seller status

The Management Center allows the Marketplace Operator to activate or deactivate a seller through the Marketplace tool. If a seller wants to temporarily suspend shopping for their products in the marketplace, their status can be changed to Deactivate. When they are ready to sell again, their status can be changed back to Active again.

About this task

Note: A seller can sell products only when the seller is Active and the store status is Online. See Changing the store status to update the store status.


  1. Open Management Center Tools.
  2. From the hamburger menu, select the Marketplace tool, which has a Seller tab within it. The landing page has all the existing sellers created for the selected Catalog Asset Store.
  3. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Business tools > Marketplace > Manage Sellers.
  4. Enter the name of the seller in the Search field. All the sellers related to the search entry will be listed on the page. Note that you can assign any number of sellers to a given marketplace.
  5. From the Activated/Deactivated column, enable the toggle button to Activate the seller.
  6. Disable the toggle button to Deactivate the seller.
  7. From the landing page, go to Access Seller Dashboard. Seller Dashboard page opens.
  8. On this page, from the marketplace table, enable the toggle switch for Store Status. Enabling the toggle switch changes the seller status to Online for the assigned marketplace. It will allow the seller to start selling products in the marketplace.
  9. Disabling the toggle switch changes the seller status to Offline for the assigned marketplace. It will not allow the seller to sell products in the marketplace.