Finding objects in Management Center
Use the Management Center find area to locate objects for each tool within the Management Center. Search results are listed in the main work area.
About this task
Tip: If you are working on an object and want
to associate it with another object or attribute, you can find and associate the object in a single
- Open a Management Center tool.
From the find area at the upper right, type a search string in the search field, select the
object type that you want to search for, and click
Find to run the search.
When you use search, the following characters have special meanings:
The system performs a search on all of the languages that are supported in the store and are based on your search criteria.Special character summary Special character summary
Character Function Example * Match any number of occurrences of any character (a-z, A-Z, &, %, #, @, and so on). You can use an asterisk (*) at the beginning or end of a search string. Searches that begin with an asterisk are slower than searches that end with an asterisk.
*ABC or ABC*
- Matches all objects that end with ABC or begin with ABC. For example,
, Separates search terms for categories, products, SKUs, bundles, kits, predefined dynamic kits, attribute dictionary attributes, or all catalog entries. This special character is only available in the Catalogs tool. Each term that is separated by a comma is handled as a separate search term. If you are searching for an object with a name or description that contains a comma, enclose the search string within quotation marks. Pants, Shirts, j*
- Matches these objects:
, and all objects that begin with the letterj
Sweater with zipper, hood, and stripes
- This search returns objects that match either
sweater with zipper
, orhood
, orand stripes
. This search can return sweaters with zippers, and objects with a description that containshood
orand stripes
. For instance, appliances (range hood), or furniture (sofa with armrests and stripes).
"Dress with lace work, floral pattern, and sequined work"
- Use quotation marks to search for objects that match the exact string.
- Matches all objects that end with ABC or begin with ABC. For example,
- Optional: For a more refined search, select Advanced
Search from the search type list. The Advanced
Search feature is not available for all object types.
The following table describes the object types and search criteria that you can use to search within Management Center tools: The following table describes the object types and search criteria that you can use to search within the Management Center tools.
Tool Object Type Simple Search Criteria Advanced Search Criteria Catalogs Categories (master categories)
- Code
- Name
- Short description
- Catalog
- Code
- Name
- Short description
- Catalog
Sales categories
The Simple Search feature supports searching for sales categories.- Code
- Name
- Short description
- Catalog
- Code
- Name
- Short description
- Catalog
Rule-based sales categories
- Code
- Name
- Code
- Name
- Name of catalog
No Advanced Search option All catalog entries that include SKUs
All catalog entries that exclude SKUs
Kits (including dynamic kits)
Predefined dynamic kits
- Code
- Name
- Name
- Code
- Manufacturer part number
- Manufacturer
- Published
- Category
- Catalog
- Type
Attribute dictionary attributes
- Code
- Name
No Advanced Search option Configurator models
- Code
- Name
- Name of model
No Advanced Search option Marketing Campaigns
Activity templates
Email templates
E-Marketing Spots
Search Rules
Search Rule Templates
- Name
- Description
No Advanced Search option Content
- Name
- Text
No Advanced Search option Customer segments
- Name
No Advanced Search option Content spots (Searchable through the utilities view only)
- Name
- Description
No Advanced Search option Customers (Searchable through the utilities view only)
- Logon ID
- Given name
- Surname
No Advanced Search option Business accounts (Searchable through the utilities view only)
- Name
No Advanced Search option Attribute dictionary attributes
- Name
Utilities view search only Promotions Promotions
- Administrative name
- Promotion code (public promotion codes only)
- Administrative name
- Promotion code (public promotion codes only)
- Start date
- Promotion type
- Redemption method
- Promotion status
Promotion code export
Promotion code import
- Name
No Advanced Search option Attachments Attachments
- Code
- Name
- Code
- Name
- File or URL Path
Installments Installment rules
- Name
- Description
No Advanced Search option Store Management Stores - Name
No Advanced Search option Catalog Filter and Pricing Catalog filters
Price lists
Price rules
Price equations
Price constants
- Name
- Description
No Advanced Search option Commerce Composer Category pages
- Page name (code for the category)
- Category name
- Code
- Name
- Short description
- Catalog
Catalog entry pages
- Page name (code for the catalog entry)
- Catalog entry name
- Code
- Name
- Manufacturer part number
- Manufacturer
- Category
- Publish status
- Catalog
- Type
Content pages
- Name
No Advanced Search option Layouts
- Name
Name, with the following optional filters: - Date range
- Layout type