HCL Commerce Version or later

Enabling features that are not available by default

All features that are not available by default can be enabled by running the query given in this document.

HCL Commerce version onwards, TinyMCE is available by default. To enable the CKEditor, make the following REST API call:
Where <hostname:8000> is the domain and port used to launch the Management Center
Note: You can enable the CKEditor by running the above query, however it is only active until the browser session is closed. Once the browser session is closed, CKEditor is disabled enabling the TinyMCE.


Features that are not available by default works with browser session only when enabled.


To enable features that are not available by default:
  • Open the Configure.js file from the LOBTools.war/javascript/shell/Configure.js directory to change the defaults for a feature.
  • Update and deploy the following code to enable features:
    var darkFeatures;
    function loadDarkFeatures() {
    	darkFeatures = {
    		"eSiteStoreManagement": false,
    		"accountManagement": false,
    		"scheduler": false,
    		"registryManagement": false,
    		"transportManagement": false,
    		"messageTypeManagement": false,
    		"messageManagement": false,
    		"securityPolicyManagement": false,
    		"shippingJurisdictionManagement": false,
    		"shippingCodeManagement": false,
    		"shippingModeManagement": false,
    		"taxJurisdictionManagement": false,
    		"taxCodeManagement": false,
    		"taxCategoryManagement": false,
    		"searchTool": false,
    		"pageBuilder": false,
    		"marketplace": false,
    		"marketplaceSellerDashboard": false,
    		"accountDashboard": true,
    		"toolingInstrumentation": false,
    		"toolingInstrumentationDebugMode": true,
    		"orderLineMetricsTool": false,
    		"advancedUserSearch": true,
    		"userPasswordReset": false,
    		"marketplaceContracts": false,
    		"marketplaceSellerSelfRegistration": false,
    		"ckeditor": true
    	for (var i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) {
    		var key = localStorage.key(i);
    		if (key.indexOf("darkFeature.") == 0) {
    			var featureName = key.substr("darkFeature.".length);
    			var featureDisabled = localStorage.getItem(key) == "true";
    			darkFeatures[featureName] = featureDisabled;
    function setDarkFeature(featureName, featureEnabled) {
    	if (featureName != null && featureName != "") {
    		localStorage.setItem("darkFeature."+featureName, featureEnabled != "true");
    function resetDarkFeatures() {
Note: Setting a feature to false enables the feature.