CALCODE_ID | INTEGER NOT NULL | Generated unique identifier. |
CODE | CHAR (128) NOT NULL | A character string that uniquely identifies this
CalculationCode, given a particular CalculationUsage and
StoreEntity. |
CALUSAGE_ID | INTEGER NOT NULL | Indicates the kind of calculation this
CalculationCode is used for. For example, the CalculationCode may
be used to calculate one of the following monetary amounts:
discounts, shipping charges, sales tax, or shipping tax. Out of
box: -1 is for Discount, -2 is for Shipping, -3 is for Sales Tax.
-4 is for Shipping Tax, -5 is for Coupon and -6 is for
Surcharge. |
STOREENT_ID | INTEGER NOT NULL | The CalculationCode is part of this
StoreEntity. |
GROUPBY | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | Bit flags indicating to the
CalculationCodeCombineMethod how OrderItems should be grouped when
performing calculations. Each group of OrderItems is used to
calculate a monetary amount, which is applied separately using the
CalculationCodeApplyMethod. The default
CalculationCodeCombineMethods recognize the following bit flags,
from low to high order bits: 1 perProduct - OrderItems with
different CatalogEntries should be grouped separately. When a
CatlogEntry has a PRODUCT_ITEM parent in the CATENTREL table, then
the parent CatalogEntry is used instead. 2 perTradingAgreement -
OrderItems with different TradingAgreements should be grouped
separately. 4 perOffer - OrderItems with different Offers should be
grouped separately. 8 perAddress - OrderItems with different
shipping addresses should be grouped separately. Bit flags can be
added together to combine groupings. For example: 0 = No grouping.
Place all applicable OrderItems in a single group. 1 = Use
perProduct grouping. 2 = Use perTradingAgreement grouping. 3 = Use
perProduct and perTradingAgreement grouping. 4 = Use perOffer
grouping. 6 = Use perOffer and perTradingAgreement grouping. 9 =
Use perProduct and perAddress grouping. |
TXCDCLASS_ID | INTEGER | For Taxation CalculationCodes, the
TaxCodeClassification, if any, associated with this
CalculationCode. |
PUBLISHED | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | Specifies whether or not the calculation code is
published: 0 = not published (temporarily disabled). 1 = published.
2 = marked for deletion (and not published). |
SEQUENCE | DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | CalculationCodes are calculated and applied in
sequence from lowest to highest. When using
CalculationCodeCombineCmdImpl for code combine, calculation codes
are calculated and applied in sequence from lowest to highest. When
using TaxCalculationCodeCombineCmdImpl for code combine, only the
one with highest sequence is calculated and applied. |
COMBINATION | INTEGER | Reserved for HCL internal use. |
LASTUPDATE | TIMESTAMP | The time this CalculationCode (including its
CalculationRules) was most recently updated. |
CALMETHOD_ID | INTEGER NOT NULL | The CalculationCodeCalculateMethod that defines
how to calculate a monetary amount for this CalculationCode. |
CALMETHOD_ID_APP | INTEGER NOT NULL | The CalculationCodeApplyMethod that stores the
calculated amount for the associated OrderItems. |
CALMETHOD_ID_QFY | INTEGER NOT NULL | The CalculationCodeQualifyMethod that defines
which OrderItems are associated with this CalculationCode. |
FIELD1 | VARCHAR (254) | Customizable. |
DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR (254) | A brief description of this CalculationCode,
suitable for display by a user interface that manages
CalculationCodes. |
DISPLAYLEVEL | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | Amounts calculated by this CalculationCode should
be displayed with each: 0 = OrderItem 1 = Order 2 = Product 3 =
Item 4 = Contract |
STARTDATE | TIMESTAMP | The time this CalculationCode begins being
effective. |
ENDDATE | TIMESTAMP | The time this calculation code stops being
effective. You can specify a null value. If you do not specify a
value, the default value is '9999-12-31 23:59:59.0', which means
that the calculation code never expires. |
FLAGS | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | Specifies whether the
CalculationCodeQualifyMethod of this CalculationCode should be
invoked: 0 = unrestricted. The method will not be invoked. 1 =
restricted. The method will be invoked. |
PRECEDENCE | DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | Reserved for HCL internal use. |
OPTCOUNTER | SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | The optimistic concurrency control counter for
the table. |