CLIENTLOCATION_ID | BIGINT NOT NULL | Primary key of the client location record. |
PROGRAM_ID | VARCHAR (64) | Reserved for HCL internal use. Identifies the
external program that owns the client location record. |
STATUS | VARCHAR (16) | Reserved for HCL internal use. Used by the
research prototypes to indicate whether the client location record
is new or has been updated. |
CLIENTTYPE | VARCHAR (64) | The client type. Specifically, the client
location records of an HCL Commerce user should have the
client type "User". |
SOURCETYPE | VARCHAR (64) | Type (classification) of the location source.
Specifically, the client location records reported by a mobile
device's GPS should have the source type "GPS". |
SOURCE_ID | VARCHAR (64) | Identifies the location source. |
DEVICE_ID | VARCHAR (64) | Identifies the device associated with the client
location record. |
CLIENT_ID | BIGINT | Identifies the client associated with the client
location record. Specifically, the client location records of a
HCL Commerce user should have a client ID equal to their
HCL Commerce user ID. |
PERSONALIZATIONID | VARCHAR (30) | Additional identification of the client.
Specifically, the client location records of an HCL Commerce
user will have a personalization ID equal to their HCL Commerce personalization ID. |
LATITUDE | DECIMAL (20,5) | Latitude (in degrees) of the client. |
LONGITUDE | DECIMAL (20,5) | Longitude (in degrees) of the client. |
ALTITUDE | DECIMAL (20,5) | Height (in meters) of the client. |
ACCURACY | DECIMAL (20,5) | Horizontal accuracy (in meters) of the
client. |
ALTITUDEACCURACY | DECIMAL (20,5) | Vertical accuracy (in meters) of the client. |
HEADING | DECIMAL (20,5) | Direction of travel (in degrees) of the
client. |
SPEED | DECIMAL (20,5) | Ground speed (in meters per second) of the
client. |
POITYPE | VARCHAR (64) | Type (classification) of the POI associated with
the client location record. |
POINTOFINTEREST_ID | BIGINT | Primary key of the POI associated with the client
location record. Can be specified by the location source or
resolved from its geographic location by the Location
component. |
STORE_ID | INTEGER NOT NULL | Identifies the HCL Commerce store that owns
the client location record. |
REGION_ID | VARCHAR (64) | Region ID of the POI. |
ZONE_ID | VARCHAR (64) | Zone ID of the POI. |
CELL_ID | VARCHAR (64) | Cell ID of the POI. |
POINT_ID | VARCHAR (64) | Point ID of the POI. |
ACTION | VARCHAR (64) | Action associated with the client location
record. Specifically, the client location record associated with a
check-in should have the action "Check-in". |
TAGS | VARCHAR (256) | Reserved for HCL internal use. Used by research
prototypes to tag the client location record. |
CREATIONTIME | TIMESTAMP NOT NULL | Time at which the client location record is
created. |
MODIFICATIONTIME | TIMESTAMP NOT NULL | Time at which the client location record is
modified. |
FIELD1 | BIGINT | Customizable field. |
FIELD2 | DECIMAL (20,5) | Customizable field. |
FIELD3 | VARCHAR (256) | Customizable field. |
OPTCOUNTER | SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | The optimistic concurrency control counter for
the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter
is incremented. |