Contains client location records at a specific point in time.

Column Descriptions:

CLIENTLOCATION_IDBIGINT NOT NULLPrimary key of the client location record.
PROGRAM_IDVARCHAR (64)Reserved for HCL internal use. Identifies the external program that owns the client location record.
STATUSVARCHAR (16)Reserved for HCL internal use. Used by the research prototypes to indicate whether the client location record is new or has been updated.
CLIENTTYPEVARCHAR (64)The client type. Specifically, the client location records of an HCL Commerce user should have the client type "User".
SOURCETYPEVARCHAR (64)Type (classification) of the location source. Specifically, the client location records reported by a mobile device's GPS should have the source type "GPS".
SOURCE_IDVARCHAR (64)Identifies the location source.
DEVICE_IDVARCHAR (64)Identifies the device associated with the client location record.
CLIENT_IDBIGINTIdentifies the client associated with the client location record. Specifically, the client location records of a HCL Commerce user should have a client ID equal to their HCL Commerce user ID.
PERSONALIZATIONIDVARCHAR (30)Additional identification of the client. Specifically, the client location records of an HCL Commerce user will have a personalization ID equal to their HCL Commerce personalization ID.
LATITUDEDECIMAL (20,5)Latitude (in degrees) of the client.
LONGITUDEDECIMAL (20,5)Longitude (in degrees) of the client.
ALTITUDEDECIMAL (20,5)Height (in meters) of the client.
ACCURACYDECIMAL (20,5)Horizontal accuracy (in meters) of the client.
ALTITUDEACCURACYDECIMAL (20,5)Vertical accuracy (in meters) of the client.
HEADINGDECIMAL (20,5)Direction of travel (in degrees) of the client.
SPEEDDECIMAL (20,5)Ground speed (in meters per second) of the client.
POITYPEVARCHAR (64)Type (classification) of the POI associated with the client location record.
POINTOFINTEREST_IDBIGINTPrimary key of the POI associated with the client location record. Can be specified by the location source or resolved from its geographic location by the Location component.
STORE_IDINTEGER NOT NULLIdentifies the HCL Commerce store that owns the client location record.
REGION_IDVARCHAR (64)Region ID of the POI.
ZONE_IDVARCHAR (64)Zone ID of the POI.
CELL_IDVARCHAR (64)Cell ID of the POI.
POINT_IDVARCHAR (64)Point ID of the POI.
ACTIONVARCHAR (64)Action associated with the client location record. Specifically, the client location record associated with a check-in should have the action "Check-in".
TAGSVARCHAR (256)Reserved for HCL internal use. Used by research prototypes to tag the client location record.
CREATIONTIMETIMESTAMP NOT NULLTime at which the client location record is created.
MODIFICATIONTIMETIMESTAMP NOT NULLTime at which the client location record is modified.
FIELD1BIGINTCustomizable field.
FIELD2DECIMAL (20,5)Customizable field.
FIELD3VARCHAR (256)Customizable field.
OPTCOUNTERSMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0The optimistic concurrency control counter for the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter is incremented.


NameColumn NamesType