This table is used to a record of the last modification action on a primary business object. This is used for the Change History capabilities for tasks or task groups in Workspaces.

Column Descriptions:

CMPRMYOBJ_IDBIGINT NOT NULLThe primary key for this table.
OBJECT_IDBIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0The primary key or unique identifier of the changed primary business object.
UI_OBJECT_NAMEVARCHAR (128)The UI object name associated to the changed business object. This object name will be listed in the Change History capabilities under task groups or tasks of a workspace. For example, some of the supported catalog UI object names are: SalesCatalog, CatalogGroup, SalesCatalogGroup, InheritedCatalogGroup, InheritedSalesCatalogGroup, Product, ProductSKU, CatalogGroupSKU, Bundle, Kit, InheritedProduct, InheritedProductSKU, InheritedCatalogGroupSKU, InheritedBundle or InheritedKit.
NOUNVARCHAR (128)The noun name for the changed primary object. This is typically the noun name used for services. The following are samples of noun names: For example: Catalog, CatalogEntry, Promotion or Attachment.
OBJECTCODEVARCHAR (254)The unique object code for the changed primary business object. The object code is typically the external identifier for that object. For example, the object code for CatalogEntry is the PARTNUMBER, and for CatalogGROUP it is the IDENTIFIER.
MEMBER_IDBIGINT NOT NULLThe member id of the user that performed the last modification on this changed primary business object.
LASTUPDATETIMESTAMPThe timestamp of the last modification on this changed primary business object.
ACTIONCHAR (1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'The action that was performed on the last modification to the primary business object. The possible values are:
  • U=Update
  • N=Create
  • D=Delete
STOREENT_IDBIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0The reference number for the store for which the action on the changed primary object was performed.
WORKSPACEVARCHAR (25)The identifier for the workspace where the change on the primary business object was performed. If the change was performed on the approved content, the value recorded in this column will be: "IBM_WC_BASE".
TASKGRPVARCHAR (25)The identifier for the task group where the change on the primary business object was performed.
TASKVARCHAR (25)The identifier for the task where the change on the primary business object was performed.
SOURCESMALLINT NOT NULLReserved for HCL internal use.
OPTCOUNTERSMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0The optimistic concurrency control counter for the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter is incremented.


NameColumn NamesType
I0001418STATUS+LASTUPDATENon-Unique Index
I0001427NOUN+OBJECT_IDNon-Unique Index
I0001428STOREENT_IDNon-Unique Index

Referenced By Child Tables:

ConstraintColumnsChild TableChild ColumnsType