E-mail activity statistics

The Marketing tool displays statistics for e-mail activities. For a given e-mail activity, you can review statistics related to both e-mail delivery and e-mail effectiveness. This data can help you evaluate the effectiveness of your e-mail activities while they are in progress and when they are complete.

Here is an example of the statistics for an e-mail activity:

E-mail activity statistics

The E-mail sent status field can show the following statuses:

Not sent
The e-mail associated with the activity has not been sent yet.
Scheduled but not sent
The e-mail associated with the activity is scheduled to be sent in the next daily delivery, but it has not been sent yet.
The e-mail associated with the activity has been sent.

The following describes the columns in the E-mail delivery table:

The number of e-mail addresses to which the server has attempted to send the e-mail for this activity. This number corresponds to the number of customers in the target customer segment who were part of the customer segment at the send time for the e-mail activity and who opted in to receive e-mails from your store.
The number of attempted e-mails that have resulted in a delivery failure. Delivery can fail for various reasons, for example, because a customer's e-mail address is not valid or because the customer's e-mail server rejected the e-mail.
Bounced (% of Attempted)
The percentage of attempted e-mails that resulted in a delivery failure.
The number of e-mails that have been successfully delivered to customers' e-mail addresses. This is the Attempted number minus the Bounced number.
Delivered (% of Attempted)
The percentage of attempted e-mails that have been successfully delivered to customers' e-mail addresses.

The following describes the columns in the E-mail effectiveness table:

The number of e-mails that customers have opened. If the same customer opens the same e-mail multiple times, only the first time is counted.
Opened (% of Delivered)
The percentage of delivered e-mails that customers have opened.
The number of e-mails containing a link that a customer clicked. If the e-mail contains multiple links and a customer clicks more than one, only the first click is counted. If the same customer clicks the same link multiple times, only the first click is counted.
Clicked (% of Delivered)
The percentage of delivered e-mails containing a link that a customer clicked.
Clicked (% of Opened)
The percentage of opened e-mails containing a link that a customer clicked. This percentage measures how effective your e-mail message was in motivating recipients who opened the e-mail to click a link in it.

These statistics are gathered and updated immediately as the e-mail activity is running and as users respond to the e-mail. E-mail activity statistics can be viewed only on the production server.