Defining the rule for assigning catalog entries to a rule-based sales category

Define the rule for Management Center to use to search for catalog entries to assign to your rule-based sales category. In the rule, you can define search conditions to automatically assign catalog entries to the category and you can identify specific catalog entries to assign to the category.

The Catalogs tool uses HCL Commerce search to retrieve catalog entries that match the defined search conditions and assign the catalog entries to the category. For more information about rule-based sales categories, see Rule-based sales categories.

Before you begin

Ensure that a site administrator completes the following tasks:
  • Deploy the HCL Commerce search server.
  • Build or rebuild the search index. For HCL Commerce search to find catalog entries to assign to a rule-based sales category, the catalog entries must be indexed. If you are frequently updating rule-based sales categories to include newer products, request that a site administrator schedule the search indexing job to run more frequently. Alternatively, you can cause the search indexing job to run and rebuild the index by launching store preview.
  • Enabling rule-based sales categories

    To be able to apply the rule to assign catalog entries to a rule-based sales category, a Site Administrator must enable the evaluation and application of rule-based sales category rules.


  1. Open the Catalogs tool.
  2. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Business Tools > Catalog > Sales Catalog.
  3. Select your store from the Select Store list
  4. From the explorer filter, select Sales Catalog Categories.
  5. From the explorer view, right-click the rule-based sales category. Click Open.
  6. Click the Rule tab for the category.
  7. Expand the Search conditions for finding catalog entries to automatically assign to this category section.
    Specify one or more of the following search conditions for the rule to use to find and assign catalog entries to the category. These catalog entries are combined with any specific catalog entries that you assign to the category.
    Search filters Define search filter conditions that each use one of the following catalog entry properties or catalog objects:
    Catalog entry properties
    You can use any of the following types of properties:
    • Code
    • Manufacturer Name
    • Manufacturer Part Number
    • Name
    • Short Description
    To use other catalog entry properties, an IT developer must customize the target to include the properties as search filters.
    You can use master categories and sales categories. When you include a category, the category and all of its child categories are searched for catalog entries that match the search filter conditions.
    Attribute dictionary attributes
    If you want to use an attribute dictionary attribute, the attribute must be enabled for use in merchandising. For more information about setting the properties for an attribute dictionary attribute, see Creating attributes in the attribute dictionary.
    Sort criteria Specify one or more criteria for sorting the catalog entry search results. The conditions are applied to the search results in sequence. You can use the up and down arrows to change the sequence.
    • When you click Find sample catalog entries, the catalog entries in the utilities view are sorted based on your sort criteria.
    • When you apply the rule to assign catalog entries to the category, the sort criteria applies to only the catalog entries that match the search filter conditions. The specific catalog entries that you directly assigned to the category are not affected by this sort criteria. To arrange the overall sequence of catalog entries in the category, you must also sequence the catalog entries that you directly assign to the category and select a Display option in the Add specific catalog entries to this category section.
    Maximum number of catalog entries to assign to category Set the maximum number of catalog entries to be assigned to the category. The maximum number includes both the catalog entries that match the search conditions and any catalog entries that you directly assign to the category.
  8. Click Find sample catalog entries
    Click this button to view a list of catalog entries that currently match the search conditions. Use these sample catalog entries to help you refine your search filter conditions and ensure that the appropriate catalog entries are returned with your defined search conditions. These catalog entries are not assigned to this category until you save the category. The catalog entries that are assigned to the category might vary from this sample list over time as your catalog evolves and the rule is reapplied.
  9. Optional: Expand the Add specific catalog entries to this category section.
    Specify a list of catalog entries that you want to ensure are included in the category and select how you want to catalog entries to display in the category.
    Display option You can assign specific catalog entries to the category to display before or after the catalog entries that match the search conditions. If you specify to include a catalog entry that also matches the search filter conditions, the catalog entry is included only once in the category. The placement of the catalog entry in the category depends on the display option that you select.
    • By selecting to display your specified catalog entries before catalog entries that match the search conditions, you can ensure that your specified catalog entries are assigned to the category first. The catalog entries that match the search conditions are then assigned to the category until the maximum number of catalog entries to assign to the category is reached.
    • By selecting to display your specified catalog entries after the catalog entries that match the search conditions, you can ensure that the category always includes catalog entries. The catalog entries that match the search conditions are assigned to the category first. Then, your specified catalog entries are assigned until the maximum number of catalog entries to assign to the category is reached.
    Catalog entries Specify the catalog entries that you want to include in the category regardless of whether the catalog entries match the search conditions. The catalog entries display in the category according to the display option that you select and the sequence of the catalog entries in the Catalog entries table.

    The sequence of these catalog entries is not affected by the sort criteria that you define for the catalog entries that match the search conditions. To arrange the overall catalog entry sequence in the category, you must also adjust the sort criteria and sequence for the catalog entries that match the search conditions.

    Note: You cannot assign product SKUs directly to a sales category. When you assign a product, the child SKUs for that product are automatically assigned to the category.
  10. Expand the Assigned catalog entries section.
    This section is read-only and provides the list of catalog entries that are currently assigned to the category. The list of catalog entries in the Assigned catalog entries table might not be the current list of catalog entries that are assigned to the category. To update the list to show the catalog entries that are currently assigned to the category, reload the properties view.
    Last time that the rule was applied Read-only. The most recent date and time that the rule was applied to assign catalog entries to the category. The date and time is in the format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss:millis
    Assigned catalog entries The catalog entries that are currently assigned to the category. To update this list, you must reload the properties view after you save changes to the rule that determines the catalog entries in the category.
  11. Click Save. The rule is saved and applied to the category.
    When the rule is applied to the category, any catalog entries that are currently assigned to the category are removed. Then, one of the following processes occur to assign the catalog entries that match the rule:
    • The specific catalog entries that you directly assigned to the category and selected to display before the catalog entries that match the search conditions are assigned to the category. Then, HCL Commerce search retrieves and automatically assigns the catalog entries that match the search conditions. If a catalog entry that you directly assigned also matches the search conditions, the catalog entry displays before the catalog entries that match the search conditions.
    • HCL Commerce search retrieves and automatically assigns the catalog entries that match the search conditions. Then, the catalog entries that your specified to be assigned after the catalog entries that match the search conditions are assigned. If a catalog entry that you specified also matches the search conditions, the catalog entry displays with the catalog entries that match the search conditions according to the sort criteria. If no catalog entries match the defined search conditions, the category includes only your specified catalog entries.
  12. Reload the properties view to view the updated Assigned catalog entries table. Verify that the Assigned catalog entries table is populated with the appropriate catalog entries and that the Last time that the rule was applied field is updated.

    This table displays the catalog entry assignments for the category that exist in your database, not the storefront. The catalog entries for the category in the storefront are not updated until the HCL Commerce search index is updated. You can update the search index by launching store preview.

  13. Preview your rule-based sales category. By launching store preview, the HCL Commerce search index rebuilds and updates the catalog entry assignments for the category in your storefront.
    1. From the explorer view, right-click the rule-based sales category. Click Open.
    2. Complete one of the following tasks
      • In the toolbar, click the Open Store Preview Dialog button.
      • In the upper-right corner of the main work area, click Save and Preview.
      The store preview opens in a separate window. You can now view how your category looks in your store. Ensure that you wait for the search indexing process to complete before you browse to your category. Verify that your category includes the catalog entries that match your defined rule.
    3. To close the preview, click the close button in the upper-right corner of the preview window.

What to do next

You can request that an administrator configure rule-based sales category to automatically reapply the rule after a configured interval of time elapses. By having an administrator enable this behavior, you do not need to manually reapply the rule in the Catalogs tool to keep a rule-based sales category updated. For more information about configuring the evaluationTimeInterval property, see Enabling rule-based sales categories.
Note: You can manually reapply the currently saved rule at any time to update the catalog entries that are assigned to the category. For more information, see Reapplying the rule to assign catalog entries to a rule-based sales category.