HCL Commerce Version or later

Updating Catalogs as a non-trusted seller

The Management Center allows the Marketplace Seller and Marketplace Operator to create catalog update requests. Only the Marketplace Operator can approve the catalog update requests.


  1. Open Management Center Tools.
  2. From the hamburger menu, select the Marketplace tool. Within the tool, there is a Sellers tab, and a Marketplaces tab (if there are multiple marketplaces).
  3. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Business tools > Marketplace > Manage Sellers.
  4. If you have only one marketplace assigned, to update catalogs, select Manage Seller > Access Seller Dashboard > Catalog. The Catalog Updates page opens.
  5. If you have more than one marketplaces assigned, follow the steps given below:
    • You can update catalogs from the Marketplaces tab.
      • Select the marketplace to update catalogs.
      • A marketplace landing page opens. This page has all the existing sellers listed.
      • From the landing page, go to Access Seller Dashboard given in the same row of the seller name for whom you want to update the catalog.
      • A Seller Dashboard page opens. Click Catalogs. The Catalog Updates page opens.
    • You can update catalogs from a Sellers tab.
      • From the landing page, click on the seller name. Manage Seller page opens.
      • Click on Access Seller Dashboard. A Seller Dashboard page opens.
      • From the Seller Dashboard page, click on Catalogs. The Catalog Updates page opens.
  6. Click on New Catalog Update.
  7. Select any of the following options from the Scheduling section:
    • Commit upon request approval
    • Commit after a specific date and time
  8. Optionally, you can provide a Label and Comment from the Additional Details section.
  9. Click Start Working on Update after providing the above information. A Catalog update request is created and the status of the request is displayed as Working.
    Note: You can edit the catalog only in working state. You cannot edit the catalog once it is submitted for approval.
  10. From the UPDATE DETAILS column given on the right side of the page, click on Edit Settings to update Scheduling details.
  11. Click Save to save the changes.
  12. From the COMMENTS column, you can add new comments. Enter the comment in the column and click on Add Comment button. All the comments are listed below Add Comment box.
  13. Click on Refresh icon, to refresh the comment page and load new comments.
  14. Click on the Download Current catalog to download the current catalog template. Download Current Catalog CSV dialog box is displayed on the screen.
  15. Click Download to download the .CSV file.
    Note: Only the categories that are assigned to the seller are listed.
    Note: If you download the current .CSV file when the catalog update request is not in a complete state, the downloaded .CSV file is blank. If you download the current .CSV file when the catalog update request is complete, full catalog is downloaded.
  16. Enable the Filter by Categories toggle button, if you want to download the .CSV file only for selected categories.
  17. Select the check box given for each category to download the .CSV file and click Download to download the .CSV file for selected categories.
  18. Click on Category list to download the list of available categories.
    Note: Only the categories that are assigned to the sellers are listed.
  19. Click on Product Attribute List to download the list of available product attributes.
  20. Modify the .CSV file and upload the changes using the .CSV file. To upload the .CSV file, click on Upload Catalog CSV.
  21. The Upload Catalog CSV window appears:
    • Specify the Language from the list of available languages.
    • Specify the Currency from the list of available currencies.
    • Click on Browse for CSV. Select the updated .CSV file you want to upload.
    • Click Upload to upload the updated .CSV and submit the update request for approval.
      Note: Uploading the .CSV file fails, in the following circumstances:
      • If you are uploading file for any format other than .CSV.
      • The standard template must be used for the .CSV file. If any column from the template is missing, the .CSV file gives an error. Due to this error, it fails to upload the .CSV file. See .CSV file for Catalog Updates for more information.
      • If you are trying to upload the same .CSV file that is already pending for approval.
    Note: If you want to create the update request for more than one language, upload .CSV files for all the required languages.
  22. From the Actions menu, click on View Logs to view the summary report. It contains all the information related to the .CSV file.
  23. Before submitting the request for approval, you can preview the changes by clicking on Preview Changes.
  24. The Preview Changes window appears. Select the Store you want to preview and click Preview. See Store preview for Catalog Updates for more information.
    Note: Only the store landing page can be previewed, if you preview the store before submitting the request for approval.
  25. After previewing the store, submit the catalog update request for approval. To submit the request, click on Submit for Approval. The Catalog update request is submitted to the Marketplace Operator for approval. See Approving or Rejecting Catalog Update requests for more information.
  26. If the catalog update request is approved by the Marketplace Operator, the status of the request changes to Approved. Upon refreshing the page, the status changes to Commit in progress > Committed > Completed.


The Catalog Update request is approved and updated successfully. Run a full index build to view the updated changes on the storefront. For all the changes related to catalog entries, a new .CSV file must be uploaded.