HCL Commerce Version or later

Shipped Marketplace orders

HCL Commerce allows the Marketplace Seller Administrator to view shipped orders through the Seller Dashboard. Shipped orders are the orders that are shipped by the sellers after receiving the order request from the shopper.


  1. Open Management Center Tools.
  2. From the hamburger menu, select Seller Dashboard.
    Note: If you have more than one seller organizations assigned, all the associated Seller Organizations are listed on this page. Find the seller for whom you want to update orders. Click on the Access Seller Dashboard link in the same row. The Seller Dashboard page opens.
  3. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Business tools > Marketplace > Manage Sellers.
  4. On the seller dashboard page, select Orders. The Order Management page opens.
    Note: Orders are accessible only in a live environment. You will not be able to access the Orders functionality through the Auth environment.
  5. Select the Shipped tab. All the shipped orders are displayed on the screen.
  6. Click on the arrow beside the order item number, to view the following information related to the specific order:
    • Recipient Information
    • Ship Mode
    • Part Number
    • Unit Price
    • Quantity
    • Total Price