HCL Commerce Version or later

Updating a seller information

The Management Center allows the Marketplace Operator to update an existing information related to the seller. The Marketplace Seller Administrator can only view and update seller organization information, seller organization display information, and seller admin details.


  1. Open Management Center Tools.
  2. From the hamburger menu, select the Seller Dashboard tool.
    Note: If you have more than one seller organizations assigned, all the associated Seller Organizations are listed on this page. Find the seller for whom you want to change the store status. Click on the Access Seller Dashboard link in the same row. The Seller Dashboard page opens.
  3. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Business tools > Marketplace > Manage Sellers.
  4. Click on Seller Details.
  5. Seller Details page opens. Click on the Edit Details button.
  6. Edit Seller page opens.
  7. Update the Seller Organization Information.
    Note: You cannot update the existing Seller Name from the seller details tab
    • You can update the Seller Name.
    • You can update the First Name of the seller.
    • You can update the Last Name of the seller.
    • You can update the Street Address in line 1 and line 2.
      Note: Line 2 is optional.
    • You can update the name of the Country.
    • You can update the name of the City.
    • You can update the name of the State.
      Note: This is an optional field.
    • You can update the Zip/Postal Code.
    • You can update the Email Address.
  8. Click Save to save the updated information.
  9. Click on the Seller Organization Display Information to update the seller organization display information.
    • You can update the Seller Name.
    • You can update the Seller Description.
    • You can select new languages or deselect the existing languages. All the languages are listed on the right side of the page.
      Note: To add multiple languages, follow Supported Languages document.
    • Click on the check box given besides the language that you want to see on the storefront.
    • You can update the translated Seller Name and Seller Description for all the selected languages in the respective language fields.
      Note: Translations that are left empty will use values from the default language. United States English is the default language used.
  10. Click Save to save the updated information.
  11. Click Seller Admin details for updating the admin user details available.
    Note: You cannot update an existing Login ID of the user.
    • You can change the existing Password.
      Note: The password must at least 8 characters long which includes a combination of letters and alphabets.
    • You can update the First Name of the seller.
    • You can update the Last name of the seller.
    • You can update the Email Address of the seller.
    • You can change the existing Phone number.
  12. Click Save to save the updated information.