![Deprecated feature](../../base/images/deprecated.png)
BuyerUserRegistrationUpdate URL
This URL is used to register a B2B user, or update the registration profile of a registered B2B user.
This URL is used to register a B2B user, or update the registration profile of a registered B2B user. If the current user is a guest customer, this command will call the UserRegistrationAddPreApproval command to register a new user. If the user is a currently logged on registered user, the UserRegistrationUpdate command will be invoked to update the registration profile. Information for users are stored in the MEMBER, USERS, USERREG, MBRREL, USERPROF, BUSPROF, USERDEMO, and ADDRESS database tables.
Use this URL with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to ensure that the user's information is encrypted. To do so type the command with the HTTPS secure protocol.
URL structure
- http:// host_name/path/
- The fully qualified name of your Transaction server and the configuration path.
Parameter values
- Required: The URL to be called when the command completes successfully.
- logonId
- Required: The registrant's logon ID.
- logonPassword
- Required: The registrant's password. In database mode, the password is encrypted before it is saved in the database. In LDAP mode, the password is only stored on the LDAP server.
- logonPasswordVerify
- Required if the logonPassword is used: The registrant's password, entered a second time.
- parentMember
- Required if registering a new user; not allowed when updating a user: The member ID of the parent organization or organizational unit being updated; it is a foreign key reference to the MEMBER table. If parentMember is null, set it to the Default Organization (DN). If parentMember is not null, it can take two different type of values:
- preferredCurrency
- The registrant's preferred currency for transactions; a foreign key that references the SETCCURR column of the SETCURR table.
- preferredLanguage
- The registrant's preferred language; a foreign key that references the LANGUAGE_ID column of the LANGUAGE table.
- userField1 through userField3
- Customizable fields.
- challengeQuestion
- Challenge question for verbal confirmation of the customer's identity.
- challengeAnswer
- Answer to the challenge question.
- description
- A description of the registrant.
- userProfileField1 and userProfileField2
- Customizable fields.
- photo
- URL or path to a photo of the registrant.
- preferredCommunication
- The preferred phone for the registrant (stored in the ADDRESS table), for example: P1=phone 1 P2=phone 2
- preferredDelivery
- The registrant's preferred mode of delivery.
- preferredMeasure
- The registrant's preferred unit of measure.
- taxPayerId
- A string used to identify the user for taxation, especially useful with tax software.
- alternateId
- A special ID assigned by the registrant's business organization or organizational unit to this particular registrant.
- departmentNumber
- The department identifier for the registrant.
- employeeId
- The registrant's ID with his or her employer.
- employeeType
- The registrant's status as an employee (for example, regular, permanent, contractor, or part time).
- manager
- The name of the registrant's manager.
- organizationId
- The identifier of the registrant's company; foreign key to the ORGENTITY table.
- organizationUnitId
- The identifier of the registrant's organizational unit; foreign key to the ORGENTITY table.
- secretary
- The name of the registrant's secretary.
- age
- The registrant's age.
- children
- The number of children the registrant has.
- companyName
- The company name of the organization that the registrant represents, obtained when filling in demographic information .
- demographicField1 through demographicField4
- Customizable fields for demographic information; these are single-character fields.
- demographicField5
- Customizable field for demographic information; a field of 254 characters.
- demographicField6
- Customizable field for demographic information; an integer field.
- demographicField7
- Customizable field for demographic information; a field varchar, length 64.
- gender
- The registrant's gender.
- hobbies
- The registrant's hobbies.
- household
- The number of people in the registrant's household; the default is 1.
- income
- The registrant's annual income.
- incomeCurrency
- The currency in which the registrant's income is paid.
- maritalStatus
- The registrant's marital status.
- orderBefore
- Whether the registrant has previously placed an order. This value is supplied by the registrant.
- timeZone
- The time zone in which the registrant does business (report as GMT +/- hours) .
- address1 through address3
- The registrant's street address, to a maximum of three lines of information.
- addressField1 through addressField3
- Customizable fields.
- addressType
- Type of address, valid values are configurable by using a properties file: S (shipto), B (billto), and SB (both shipto and billto). A single address may be of different types. If a properties file cannot be found, a default of SB will be used.
- bestCallingTime
- D=An indicator that daytime is the best time to call the registrant.
- E=An indicator that evening is the best time to call the registrant.
- billingCode
- The registrant's organization's code to identify the shipping or billing addresses and cost center.
- billingCodeType
- Code designating the method of code structure used for the billing code. The default value is D, assigned by buyer.
- city
- The name of the city where the registrant resides.
- country
- The name of the country or region where the registrant resides.
- email1
- The registrant's primary e-mail or Web address.
- email2
- The registrant's secondary e-mail or Web address.
- fax1
- The registrant's primary facsimile number.
- fax2
- The registrant's secondary facsimile number.
- firstName
- The first name of the registrant.
- lastName
- Required if the authentication mode is LDAP: The last name of the registrant. If the authentication mode is LDAP, this parameter is mandatory.
- middleName
- The middle name of the registrant.
- officeAddress
- The internal address (for example, mail stop).
- organizationName
- The name of the organization that the registrant represents.
- organizationUnitName
- The name of the unit within the organization that the registrant represents.
- packageSuppression
- 1=An indicator to include package inserts when the order is shipped
- 0=An indicator to not include package inserts when the order is shipped There is no default for this field. If the field is left unused, it remains null in the database.
- personTitle
- The title of the user whose address is being entered (for example, Dr., Rev., Mr. or Ms.).
- phone1
- The registrant's primary phone number.
- phone1Type
- The type of phone used for the registrant's primary phone number, for example TTY for hearing impaired, PCM for pulse-coded modulation, or CEL for mobile. This is a field of 3 characters.
- phone2
- The registrant's secondary phone number.
- phone2Type
- The type of phone used for the registrant's secondary phone number, for example TTY for hearing impaired, PCM for pulse-coded modulation, or CEL for mobile. This is a field of 3 characters.
- publishPhone1
- 1=An indicator that the registrant's primary phone number is listed
- 0=An indicator that the registrant's primary phone number is unlisted There is no default for these publishPhone fields. If the field is left unused, it remains null in the database.
- publishPhone2
- 1=An indicator that the registrant's secondary phone number is listed
- 0=An indicator that the registrant's secondary phone number is unlisted
- shippingGeoCode
- A shipping code based on geographical region, especially useful with tax software.
- state
- The name of the state, province, or equivalent where the registrant resides.
- taxGeoCode
- A tax code based on geographical region, especially useful with tax software.
- zipCode
- The ZIP or postal code of the registrant's address.
- Custom member attributes
- You can define custom member attributes or parameters to this command. These custom member
attributes can be added, deleted, or changed. The syntax for the custom parameters is &
attributeName_ storeName_ action_
- attributeName
- The name of the custom attribute or parameter you have defined.
- storeName
- The name of the store for which the attributeName applies.
- action
- Specifies whether the attributeName can be replaced (in which case, specify r) or deleted (in which case, specify d).
- number
- In the case of multi-valued attributeNames, specify this parameter to assign multiple entries with the same attributeName, storeName, or action.
- value
- The value that you want to assign to the attribute.
The following are examples of syntax for customer attributes or parameters:
- The following example updates the database with the value of red for a defined customer attribute for the user's favorite color within store 10001: &favoritecolor_10001_r_1=red
- The following example updates the database two attributes: in store 10001, the user's favorite color is red, and if in store 10002, the user's favorite color is blue: &favoritecolor_10001_r_1=red&favoritecolor_10002_r_1=blue
- The following example deletes an attribute from store 10001: &favoritecolor_10001_d_1=red
Example 1
The following example updates a registered user to change their logon password.
https://myhostname/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/BuyerUserRegistrationUpdate?logonPassword=pass &logonPasswordVerify=pass&URL=MallFrontView
Example 2
The following example registers a B2C user:
https://myhostname/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/BuyerUserRegistrationUpdate?logonId=user1 &logonPassword=pass&logonPasswordVerify=pass&URL=MallFrontView
Example 3
The following example registers a B2B user under the Default Organization by specifying the encrypted orgEntityId as the value for the parentMember parameter:
https://myhostname/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/BuyerUserRegistrationUpdate?logonId=b2buser2 &logonPassword=pass&logonPasswordVerify=pass&profileType=B &parentMember=fpqG/Uw9Pdw=&URL=MallFrontView
- Note that the parent member and the profile type of the user cannot be changed.
- Calls an empty task command called PreUserRegistrationAddCmd. Store Developers can overwrite it to change the input to the command.
- Updates the record of the current registered user in the USERS table.
- If the authentication mode is 'LDAP', a user information may also be updated on the LDAP server.
- If the authentication mode is 'LDAP', the logonId cannot be changed.
- If one or more fields related to the USERPROF, BUSPROF or USERDEMO tables are specified, updates each of these tables. If there is no record, creates a new record in these tables.
- If one or more fields related to the ADDRESS table are specified, a self address (also called a register address, with the selfAddress field set to '1' and the nickname is the same as the logonId) will also be updated. The old address will be marked as 'T' (temporary) and a new record will be created in the ADDRESS table. If this user does not have self address, a new self address will be created.
- If the logonPassword has been changed, calls the AuthenticationPolicyCmd task command to verify or update a user's credentials.
- Checks required registration information parameters.
- Calls the AuditUserRegistrationCmd task command to check additional parameters. Store Developers need to add new code to the AuditUserRegistrationCmd task command if they want to customize the check.
- Calls the SetCurrencyPrefCmd task command to set preferred currency to command context.
- When LDAP is used, the user is created in both the database and on the LDAP server. The authentication information is stored only in database, but all other information is replicated back to the database.
- Calls an empty task command called PostUserRegistrationAddCmd. Store Developers can overwrite it to perform additional operations.
- If the command fails, the UserRegistrationErrorView view command is called. Upon successful completion, the specified URL is called.
- When the user is created using this command, the system assigns roles based on the MemberRegistrationAttributes.xml file. When choosing the roles to assign, the system uses the following information: the RegistrationType of 'UserRegistration', the member ancestor tree for the user, and the store to which the user is registering.
Exception conditions
- If the URL parameter is null, the system throws an exception with the message key _ERR_CMD_MISSING_PARAM
- If the length of the value of the URL parameter equals 0, the system throws an exception with the message key _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM.
- If the logonId parameter is not null, but the length equals 0, the system throws an exception with the message key _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM.
- In LDAP mode, if the logonId is not null, the system throws an exception with the message key _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM.
- If the length of the value of the logonPassword parameter is not null, and equals 0 or is greater than 70, the system throws an exception with the message key _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM.
- If logonPassword is not null but logonPasswordVerify is null, the system throws an exception with the message key _ERR_CMD_MISSING_PARAM.
- If logonPassword is not null and it is not equal to logonPasswordVerify, the system throws an exception with the message key EC_UREG_ERR_PASSWORDS_NOT_SAME.
- If the preferredCurrency value is not null, and it is not a foreign key set to the SETCCURR table, the system throws an exception with the message key _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM.
- If the preferredLanguage value is not null, and it is not a foreign key set to the LANGUAGE table, the system throws an exception with the message key _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM.
- If the any of the following parameters: age, income, children, household, demographicField6, publishPhone1, publishPhone2, or packageSuppression, are not null and are not integers, the system throws an exception with the message key _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM.