Feature Pack 7 or later

Creating campaigns in IBM Marketing Center for promotions

You can open IBM Marketing Center from Management Center to create a marketing campaign for a WebSphere Commerce promotion. By creating a campaign within IBM Marketing Center, you can use the precision marketing capabilities in IBM Marketing Center to manage the campaign and send personalized communications to your customers.

IBM Marketing Center is a cloud-based solution that provides users with precision marketing capabilities to create, personalize, and manage marketing campaigns and send digital communications to customers with promotion offers. This solution also provides users with the capabilities to track marketing information and generate marketing analytics.

Before you begin

Ensure that the following tasks are complete:


  1. Open the Promotions tool.
  2. From the explorer filter, click Promotions. The Promotions - List displays, containing a list of all promotions. Ensure that your promotion is in this list.
  3. Open IBM Marketing Center to create a campaign for your promotion. You can open IBM Marketing Center by selecting your promotion and clicking the Create Campaign in IBM Marketing CenterCreate Campaign in IBM Marketing Center toolbar icon.
    Note: You can also open IBM Marketing Center by right-clicking your promotion and selecting the context menu option.
  4. Within the New Campaign tab in your IBM Marketing Center Default Workbook, add the details to finish creating the campaign for your WebSphere Commerce promotion. By default, the name of the WebSphere Commerce promotion is specified as the campaign name. Ensure that you associate any uploaded promotion codes for the promotion with the campaign for the promotion.

    For more information about creating a campaign in IBM Marketing Center, review the online help documentation that is available when you are working within IBM Marketing Center.


An IBM Marketing Center campaign is created for your WebSphere Commerce promotion. With this campaign created, you can use the marketing capabilities within IBM Marketing Center to manage the campaign and send personalized digital communications to your customers.