Feature Pack 7 or later

Exporting promotion codes to IBM Marketing Center

You can export promotion codes from Management Center into IBM Marketing Center for use in campaigns and digital communications to customers.

IBM Marketing Center is a cloud-based solution that provides users with precision marketing capabilities to create, personalize, and manage marketing campaigns and send digital communications to customers with promotion offers. This solution also provides users with the capabilities to track marketing information and generate marketing analytics.

Before you begin

Ensure that the following tasks are complete:
  • Create a promotion code export file that includes the promotion codes that you want to export to IBM Marketing Center. When you create this export file, ensure that the check box to Include metadata for IBM Marketing Center is selected. By default, this option is selected when Management Center is integrated with IBM Marketing Center. For more information, about creating promotion code export files, see Exporting promotion codes.
  • Integrate Management Center with IBM Marketing Center. If this integration is not complete, contact a site administrator or store developer to help complete this task. For more information if you are a site administrator or store developer, see IBM Marketing Center integration.

About this task

You can export both unique and public promotion codes for a promotion and upload these codes into IBM Marketing Center.
Feature Pack 8Note: You cannot export promotion codes for an archived promotion. For more information, see Archiving promotions.


  1. Open the Promotions tool.
  2. From the explorer filter, click Promotion Code Exports. The Promotion Code Exports - List displays, containing a list of all promotion code export files. Ensure that your promotion code export file is in this list.
  3. Download the promotion code export file to your local machine by selecting the promotion code export file and clicking Download Promotion CodesDownload Promotion Codes. Save the file to your local machine.
  4. Open IBM Marketing Center to upload the exported promotion code file. You can open IBM Marketing Center by selecting the Promotion Code Exports folder and clicking the Manage Promotion Codes in IBM Marketing Center Manage Promotion Codes in IBM Marketing Center toolbar icon.
    Note: You can also open IBM Marketing Center by right-clicking the Promotion Code Exports folder, and selecting the context menu option.
  5. Upload the promotion code export file into IBM Marketing Center.
    1. In the Manage Promotion Codes tab within your IBM Marketing Center Workbook, click Browse.
    2. Locate and select the promotion code export file on your local machine.
    3. Click Import.


The promotion code export file is uploaded into IBM Marketing Center. You can now use IBM Marketing Center to manage the promotion codes and include the codes within a campaign to deliver the codes to customers.

For more information about using IBM Marketing Center to manage and use promotion codes, review the online help documentation that is available when you are working within IBM Marketing Center.