Feature Pack 7 or later

IBM Marketing Center integration

You can integrate Management Center with IBM Marketing Center, a cloud-based, all-in-one solution that combines customer analytics with real-time marketing. To integrate with IBM Marketing Center, you must configure the WebSphere Commerce biConfig.xml file to enable the integration. You can also configure single-sign on between Management Center and IBM Marketing Center.

IBM Marketing Center is a software as a service (SaaS) module in the IBM Enterprise Marketing Management suite and expands the marketing capabilities of the IBM Digital Marketing Optimization solution. IBM Marketing Center provides users with precision marketing capabilities to create, personalize, and manage marketing campaigns and digital communications to reach customers with promotion offers. This solution also provides users with the capabilities to track marketing information and generate marketing analytics.

The integration between Management Center and IBM Marketing Center is built upon the existing logic for integrating WebSphere Commerce with IBM Digital Analytics, formerly known as Coremetrics Analytics. IBM Digital Analytics is another module within the IBM Enterprise Marketing Management suite.
Note: You do not need to enable the integration with IBM Digital Analytics to enable the integration with IBM Marketing Center.

When you complete the IBM Marketing Center integration, business users can begin to use Management Center to launch IBM Marketing Center for creating campaigns and managing promotion codes. For more information, see Manage marketing externally with IBM Marketing Center.
