Listing category versions

You can view the versions of a category. For example, if you want to restore a previous version you can locate the version easily from the versions list and preview the versions.


  1. Open the Catalogs tool.
  2. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Business Tools > Catalog > Master Catalog.
  3. To view versions of a category, from the explorer filter, click an option:
    • Master Catalog Categories
    • Sales Catalog Categories
  4. On the explorer tree, right-click the category you want to view versions for; then click Open.
    The property view for the category is displayed.
  5. Click the Versions tab. The versions list for the category is displayed.

    List of versions of a category
    The check mark indicates the version that was last restored.
  6. Optional: To view the details of a category version, right-click on the version and click Open.
  7. Optional: Modify the version name and description of a category version.
    To change the version name and description of a category version, edit the respective fields in the Available versions table, then click Save and Close.
    The version name and description for the category version are updated.