HCL Commerce Version or later

Registering a seller in Marketplace

Marketplace sellers can self-register for one or more marketplaces approved by the Operator using the following steps.


  1. On the B2B Marketplace page, click the Marketplace Seller Registration button.
    The seller registration screen appears.
  2. Enter the relevant seller organization details in the specific fields.
  3. Click the Next button on the bottom-right side of the screen.
  4. Enter the Seller Name and the Seller description to be displayed on the store page.
  5. Click the Add Translationsto add more translation languages for the seller details you have entered and select the intended languages.
    The application displays additional Seller Name and Seller description fields for you to enter the details in the selected languages.
  6. Click the Next button on the bottom-right side of the screen.
  7. Enter the relevant details of the administrator for the new seller registration account.
  8. Click the Submit Registration button.


The seller registration request is sent for an approval and you are redirected to the marketplace home page. For more details on approvals, see Approvals.