Adding descriptive attributes within catalog entries

You can add descriptive attributes that are not contained within the Management Center attribute dictionary within catalog entries. You cannot use the Management Center attribute dictionary to manage attributes that are created within a catalog entry.


  1. Open the Catalogs tool.
  2. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Business Tools > Catalog > Attribute Directory.
  3. Find the catalog entry that you want to add a descriptive attribute to.
  4. In the Search Results list view, right-click the catalog entry; then click Open to open the properties view for the catalog entry.
  5. Click the Descriptive Attributes tab.
    All of the descriptive attributes that are currently contained in the selected catalog entry are listed in the Descriptive Attributes table.
  6. Click Create New Descriptive Attribute to create a new descriptive attribute in the Descriptive Attributes table.
  7. Specify the following information for the new descriptive attribute:
    Sequence The order in which to display objects. Numbers are displayed in ascending order.
    Name The name for the new descriptive attribute. This field is language-sensitive.
    Data Type The data type of the attribute. You can specify any of the following data types for the attribute:
    • Text
    • Whole number
    • Decimal number
    Description A description for the attribute. This field is language-sensitive.
    Value The value of the attribute. Attribute values are based on the data type of the attribute, such as text, whole number, or decimal number. This field is language-sensitive.
    Image Path The relative path where the image used to represent the attribute is located. For example, the relative path of the color swatch image for the color attribute. This field is hidden by default.
    Unit of Measure The unit of measure that is used for the attribute, such as Kilogram. This field is hidden by default.
    Tip: To display a hidden field, right-click any column heading; then click Configure Columns.
  8. Click Save or Save and Close.