HCL Commerce Version or later

Editing a layout

You can edit any layout created for the selected store. HCL Commerce Version or laterIf you have chosen to work on a task in the Workspace Management tool, the workspace context associated with the task will be used to edit a layout. The edits will only be available in the workspace context until the associated task group is approved and the edits are committed to approved content.

About this task

HCL Commerce Version or laterNote: You cannot edit the layout, unless you have chosen a task.
HCL Commerce Version or laterNote: You can edit Storefront Asset Store layout properties if the selected store is a Storefront Asset Store. You cannot edit inherited layout properties if an e-site store is selected.


  1. Open Management Center tools.
  2. From the hamburger menu, select Manage Stores > Page Composer. A landing page opens, which lists all the existing pages. This landing page consists of two sections, Pages and Layouts. Select Layouts to create a new page layout.
  3. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Business tools > Store Management > Page Composer.
  4. From the Store filter, select the store for which you want to edit the existing layout.
  5. Enter the name of the layout you want to edit. All the layouts related to search results are listed on the layout page. Click on the layout name. The Edit Layout box opens on the right side of the screen.
  6. In the Layout properties column, you can change the Name assigned to the layout.
  7. You can change the priority by entering a number between zero (lowest priority) and one thousand (highest priority). If more than one layout is assigned to or inherited by a page for a given time, the layout with the highest priority is applied to the storefront.
  8. HCL Commerce Version or later You can change an existing selection for the Default layout. If you want to use this new layout as a default layout, click the check box in front of Use as a default layout. Once you click the check box, a pop up window will be displayed on the screen.
    • You can use this layout as the default layout by selecting the radio button in front of the following pages:
      • Category Pages
      • Product Display Pages
      • Bundle Display Pages
      • Kit Display Pages
      • HCL Commerce Version SKU Display Pages
    • Click Confirm to use the selected layout as a default layout.
    • Once confirmed, the current default layout will be displayed below the check box. For example, if you have selected the radio button for category pages, then the Current default layout for Category Pages will be displayed.
      Note: If you don't have any layout assigned to the store, then this selected layout will be applied to the store by default.
  9. HCL Commerce Version or later You can cancel the default layout selection by clicking on the already selected check box in front of Use as a default layout. The layout will no longer be the default layout for any page.
  10. In the Layout Scheduling, click on the check box to Start immediately. If not, select the Start date and Start time.
  11. Click on the check box if you want this layout to have No expiry date. Select the End date and End time if you want to set an expiry date.
  12. Click Save. The Layout information is saved.
  13. HCL Commerce Version or later You can also edit the layout from the Properties tab.