HCL Commerce Version or later

Changing a layout template

Management Center for HCL Commerce enables you to change an already assigned template to any layout that is created for the selected store.


  1. Open Management Center tools.
  2. From the hamburger menu, select Manage Stores > Page Composer. A landing page opens which lists all the existing pages. This landing page consists of two sections, Pages, and Layouts. Select Layouts to change the selected template for the layout.
  3. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Business tools > Store Management > Page Composer.
  4. From Store filter, select the store for which you want to change the existing layout.
  5. Double click on the layout for which you want to change the layout template. It opens the layout details. The Design tab is selected by default.
  6. HCL Commerce Version or later You can also hover over the layout and click on the icon if you want to change the layout template.
  7. Click Change template and all the available template pages are listed.
  8. Click on the new template you want to assign to the layout.
  9. From the list of widgets available on the right side window, drag and drop widgets to add them in the template. Changes to a layout's design are saved automatically.
    Note: When you change the template for a layout, all of the defined widgets are removed. You start over with an empty layout.