Page Composer supports managing pages and layouts in the context of a workspace. Workspace Task Group Approvers can review the change history of changes made to pages and layouts, and undo those changes before approving the task group.
If you have chosen to work on a task in the Workspace Management tool, you will be
introduced to the following functionalities:
- The workspace context associated with that task will be used to load the list of pages.
- All the new products, categories and content pages that were created in the workspace will appear in the list.
- You will not be able to see pages that were deleted within the workspace.
Management Center users with the following roles can access the Workspace
- Site Administrator
- Seller
- Marketing Manager
- Marketing Director
Note: You will either have to select a task in the Workspace Management tool or
work on the Approved Content. If a task is not selected, a pop-up message window
will appear when you open the Page Composer tool. You will have all the content
available only in read only mode.
See Workspaces, task groups, and tasks for more information.