HCL Commerce Version or later

Editing a Marketplace seller catalog filter

Management Center allows you to edit a marketplace seller catalog filter. You can go to the Buyer Contracts tool to edit the existing catalog filter, or edit the contract filter while creating a contract seller. Note that the edit catalog filter functionality is auto-saved.

About this task

Users with the following roles can edit a marketplace seller catalog filter:
  1. Site Administrator
  2. Marketplace Operator
  3. Marketplace Seller


  1. Open Management Center Tools.
  2. From the hamburger menu, select the Seller Dashboard tool.
  3. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Business tools > Marketplace > Manage Sellers.
  4. From the Store filter, select the Extended Sites Catalog Asset Store.
  5. Click on the Sellers tab. A landing page has all the existing sellers created for the selected Catalog Asset Store.
  6. Click on the Access Seller Dashboard option given in the same row as the seller's name. The Seller Dashboard page opens.
  7. Click on the Buyer Contracts tab on the Seller Dashboard page. The Buyer Contracts page opens. This page lists all the contracts created for the Marketplace Seller.
  8. From the right side column, go to the Catalog Filter field. All the existing catalog filters are listed.
  9. Enter the name of the catalog filter you want to edit in the Search field. All the search results related to the name are listed on the screen.
  10. Click the edit icon to edit the existing catalog filter.
  11. The edit catalog filter page opens. From the Edit Name and Description option, you can update the existing name and description.
  12. All the categories are listed in the Category Selection section. The categories are shown with different colors of check marks that represent different statuses as per the following table:
    Grey check mark Implicitly included (parent is included)
    Green check mark Explicitly included
    Red cross Explicitly excluded
    Grey cross Implicitly excluded (parent is excluded)
    • Enter the category name in the Search field to select and add the categories. All the categories related to the search name entered are displayed. Click the check mark until it is green. The Selection Summary column has all the selected categories added.
      Note: All the categories are explicitly included, and subcategories are implicitly included by default.
    • You can select all the listed categories by clicking on the check mark available beside the All categories option. By default, all the categories are implicitly included. Click on the check mark to include all the categories. The grey check mark changes to a green check mark. All the categories are explicitly included.
    • The selection performed on the parent category applies to all the child categories as well. However, you can select the child category and exclude the parent category or select the parent category and exclude the child category.
    • You can select child categories without selecting the parent category.
      • Click on the check mark available beside the child category name until it is green. The child category is explicitly included.
      • To exclude the parent category, click on the check mark until it shows a grey cross icon. The parent category is implicitly excluded.
    • You can select the parent category without including a few child categories.
      • Click on the check mark available beside the parent category name until it is green. The parent category is explicitly included.
      • To exclude the child category, click on the check mark until it shows a red cross icon. The child category is explicitly excluded.
    • Selecting multiple products and clicking the Include Selected or Exclude Selected button changes the product status to include or exclude explicitly. Accordingly, the status of SKUs changes to implicitly included or excluded.
    • All the selected categories are shown in the Selection Summary column.
  13. The products uploaded for the specific seller are listed in the Product Selection section. All the listed products are in the implicitly excluded state. You can either include or exclude the products. This section has three tabs, Product Browser, Includes, and Excludes.
    • In the Product Browser tab,
      • A table displayed on this page has the following information:
        • The check mark that shows whether the product is included or excluded.
        • SKU
        • Price
        • Product name
      • Enter the product name or SKU in the Search field to search for the product. All the products related to the search are displayed.
      • You can apply the filter for searching the product. Click Filter, and a Filter Products window is displayed on the screen.
      • Enter the category name in the Search Categories field and click Apply Filters. All the products with the related search are displayed.
      • Click the check box beside the product name to include or exclude the products.
        • All the explicitly included products with icon are shown in the Included tab.
        • All the explicitly excluded products with icon are shown in the Excluded tab.
        • Click on the check box at the heading line to select all the products.
        • You can select multiple products by selecting the check box before each product name. Click Include Selected to include the selected products.
        • You can select multiple products by selecting the check box before each product name. Click Exclude Selected to exclude the selected products.
        • Click the Clear Selection button to clear the selected list.
    • In the Includes tab, all the explicitly included products are shown.
      • Enter the product name or SKU in the Search field to search for the product.
      • Click on the check box at the heading line to select all the products.
      • Click on the arrows beside heading name to sort and arrange products in ascending or descending orders.
      • You can select multiple products by selecting the check box before each product name. Click Exclude Selected to exclude the included products.
      • Click the Clear Selection button to clear the selected list.
      • Sort each column by clicking the arrow beside SKU, Price, and Product names.
      • Click the drop-down arrow given for Items per page to manage the number of products shown on each page.
    • In the Excludes tab, all the explicitly excluded products are shown.
      • Enter the product name or SKU in the Search field to search for the product.
      • Click on the check box at the heading line to select all the products.
      • Click on the arrows beside heading name to sort and arrange products in ascending or descending orders.
      • You can select multiple products by selecting the check box before each product name. Click Include Selected to include the excluded products.
      • Click the Clear Selection button to clear the selected list.
      • Sort each column by clicking the arrow beside SKU, Price, and Product names.
      • Click the drop-down arrow given for Items per page to manage the number of products shown on each page.