HCL Commerce Version or later

Creating a Marketplace seller contract

Management Center allows you to create marketplace seller contracts.

About this task

Users with the following roles can create marketplace seller contracts:
  1. Site Administrator
  2. Marketplace Operator
  3. Marketplace Seller


  1. Open Management Center Tools.
  2. From the hamburger menu, select the Seller Dashboard tool.
  3. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Business tools > Marketplace > Manage Sellers.
  4. From the Store filter, select the Extended Sites Catalog Asset Store.
  5. Click on the Sellers tab. A landing page has all the existing sellers created for the selected Catalog Asset Store.
  6. Click on the Access Seller Dashboard option given in the same row as the seller's name. The Seller Dashboard page opens.
  7. Click on the Buyer Contracts tab on the Seller Dashboard page. The Buyer Contracts page opens. This page lists all the contracts created for the Marketplace Seller.
  8. Click on the New Contract button.
  9. Enter the following information in the Contact Information field:
    • Enter the Name of the contract.
    • Provide the Description.
    • Select the check box for Start Immediately if you want to start the contract with immediate effect.
    • Select the check box for No Expiry Date if you are going to keep this contract activated always.
    • Select the Start Date and End Date from the calendar if you are going to specify dates for starting and ending this contract.
  10. Click Next to select the Marketplace.
  11. The Select Marketplace field shows all the Marketplaces assigned to the seller. Select the radio button to select the Marketplace.
  12. Click Next to add participants.
  13. You can create an Individual Buyer Contract or Group Buyer Contract from the Contract Participants field.
    • Individual Buyer Contract
      • Select the radio button for Individual Buyer Contract to create a contract that target the specific seller.
      • Click on the Add Participant button. The Add Buyer Organization to Contract window is displayed on the screen.
      • All the buyers assigned to the Marketplace are listed. Enter the buyer name in the Search field, search for the buyer, or click on the buyer name to select the buyer.
      • The selected buyer is shown below the search field. Click on Add Buyer Organization to add the contract to the buyer organization.
      • Click on Choose another participant to replace the existing participant. A window is displayed on the screen. You can replace the current buyer with a new buyer.
      • Select the new buyer from the list and click on Replace buyer.
        Note: Adding one participant to create an Individual Buyer Contract is mandatory. In the case of an Individual Buyer Contract, you can add only one participant. The existing participant will be replaced if you select another participant.
    • Group Buyer Contract
      • Select the radio button for Group Buyer Contract to create a contract that target multiple buyer organizations.
        Note: You can create a group buyer contract even with one or no participants.
      • To add a participant, click on the Add Participant button. The Add Buyer Organization to Contract window is displayed on the screen.
      • All the buyers assigned to the Marketplace are listed. Enter the buyer name in the Search field, search for the buyer, or click on the buyer name to select the buyer.
      • The selected buyer is shown below the search field. Click on Add Buyer Organization to add the contract to the buyer organization.
      • All the participants are listed in the table. You can remove or delete the participant from the group.
      • Select the check box in front of the buyer organization name and click on Remove Selected Participants to remove the participant.
      • To delete the participant from the list, click on the Delete Participant button from the Actions menu. The participant is deleted from the list.
  14. Click Next to update buyer product entitlement.
  15. In the Buyer Product Entitlement field, define products a buyer can see and purchase.
    • Select the check box to Include full product catalog.
    • The default catalog filter for the selected marketplace is listed on the page. Enter the name of the catalog filter in the search column to search the catalog. Click the SELECT button to select the catalog filter.
    • Click on the Create New button to create a new product catalog. See Creating a Marketplace seller catalog filter for more information.
  16. Click Next to select the price list.
  17. In the Price List field, set the custom pricing for products.
    • Select the check box to Use the default price.
    • If not the default price, you can select another price list. Enter the name of the price list in the search column to search the price list. Click the SELECT button to choose the price list.
    • The selected price list is shown in the Current price list table. Click on the edit icon to edit the price list information. You are directed to the Current Price List page to edit the price list information. Editing a price list for more information.
    • Click on the Create New button to create the new price list. The Create New Price List window is displayed on the screen.
      • Enter the name in the Price list Name field.
      • Provide the description for the price list. Note that this field is optional.
      • Click Save to save the price list.
        Note: See Creating a price list for more information.
        Note: If you already have one price list assigned, selecting another replaces the existing price list.
  18. Click Next to set the discount to be applied to the product.
  19. In the Discount Percent field, enter the discount percentage used on the product.
    Note: This is an optional field.
  20. Click Finish to create the contract. A newly created contract is listed on the individual or group buyer contract list. The total number of contracts increases after adding a new contract.
    Note: A newly created contract is in an inactive state. See Activating marketplace seller contracts for more information.