ORDERITEMS_ID | BIGINT NOT NULL | Generated unique key. |
STOREENT_ID | INTEGER NOT NULL | The store entity the order (this order item is
part of) is part of. This is normally a store unless STATUS is Q,
in which case it is normally a store group. |
ORDERS_ID | BIGINT NOT NULL | The order of which this order item is part. |
TERMCOND_ID | BIGINT | The TermAndCondition, if known, that determined
the price for this order item. |
TRADING_ID | BIGINT | The TradingAgreement, if known, that determines
the TermAndCondition objects (including how the price is
determined) that apply to this order item. |
ITEMSPC_ID | BIGINT | The specified item to be allocated from available
inventory and shipped to the customer. |
CATENTRY_ID | BIGINT | The catalog entry, if any, of the product being
purchased. |
PARTNUM | VARCHAR (64) | The part number of the catalog
entry(CATENTRY.PARTNUMBER) for the product. |
SHIPMODE_ID | INTEGER | The shipping mode, if still known. |
FFMCENTER_ID | INTEGER | The fulfillment center, if known, from which the
product will ship. |
MEMBER_ID | BIGINT NOT NULL | The customer of the order item (which is the same
as the customer of the order). |
ADDRESS_ID | BIGINT | The shipping
address , if any, for this order item. |
ALLOCADDRESS_ID | BIGINT | The shipping address used when inventory for this
order item was allocated or backordered. |
PRICE | DECIMAL (20,5) | The price for the nominal quantity of the product
LINEITEMTYPE | CHAR (4) | If specified, indicates the type of the order
ALT = the order item represents an alternative item (might
not be exactly what the customer requested). |
STATUS | CHAR (1) NOT NULL | The status for the order item. It may not be the
same as the status in the order. |
OUTPUTQ_ID | BIGINT | Reserved for HCL internal use. |
INVENTORYSTATUS | CHAR (4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NALC' | The allocation status of inventory for this order
- Inventory is not allocated nor on back-order.
- BO
- Inventory is on back-order.
- Inventory is allocated.
- Inventory has been released for fulfillment.
- Inventory is available.
LASTCREATE | TIMESTAMP | The time this order item was created. |
LASTUPDATE | TIMESTAMP | The most recent time this order item was updated.
Changing inventory allocation related information does not cause
this timestamp to be updated (refer to the
FULFILLMENTSTATUS | CHAR (4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'INT' | The fulfillment status of the order item:
INT = not yet released for fulfillment.
OUT = released for fulfillment.
SHIP = shipment confirmed.
HOLD = a temporary status between INT and OUT status. |
LASTALLOCUPDATE | TIMESTAMP | The most recent time inventory was checked (for
unallocated order items), allocated, or backordered, for this order
item. |
OFFER_ID | BIGINT | The offer, if any, and if it still exists, from
which PRICE was obtained. |
TIMERELEASED | TIMESTAMP | The time this order item was released for
fulfillment. |
TIMESHIPPED | TIMESTAMP | The time this order item was manifested for
shipment. |
CURRENCY | CHAR (10) | The currency of order item monetary amounts other
BASEPRICE . This is the same as the currency of the
order, ORDERS.CURRENCY. This is a currency code according to ISO
4217 standards. |
COMMENTS | VARCHAR (254) | Comments from the customer, such as a greeting
for a gift. |
QUANTITY | DOUBLE NOT NULL | The result of multiplying QUANTITY by
CATENTSHIP.QUANTITYMULTIPLE. And it represents the actual quantity
being purchased, in the unit of measurement specified by
TAXAMOUNT | DECIMAL (20,5) | The total sales taxes associated with this order
item, in the currency specified by CURRENCY. |
TOTALADJUSTMENT | DECIMAL (20,5) DEFAULT 0 | The total of the monetary amounts of the order
item adjustments for this order item, in the currency specified by
CURRENCY. This column also includes all kinds of shipping charge
adjustments like discount, coupon, shipping adjustment and
surcharge. |
SHIPTAXAMOUNT | DECIMAL (20,5) | The total shipping taxes associated with this
order item, in the currency specified by CURRENCY. |
ESTAVAILTIME | TIMESTAMP | An estimate of when sufficient inventory will be
available to fulfill this order item. This estimate does not
include the shipping offset. |
FIELD1 | INTEGER | Customizable. |
DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR (254) | A mnemonic description of the order Item,
suitable for display to the customer. This field is usually NULL
CATENTRY_ID is not NULL, since in that case the
CatalogEntry description can be displayed. |
FIELD2 | VARCHAR (254) | Customizable. |
ALLOCATIONGROUP | BIGINT | Reserved for HCL internal use. |
SHIPCHARGE | DECIMAL (20,5) | The base shipping charge associated with the
order item, in the currency specified by CURRENCY, it is the
shipping charge before any adjustments. The shipping charge
adjustment will be persisted in the
adjustments including discount and surcharge. The total shipping
charge is the sum of base shipping charge in
ORDERITEMS.SHIPCHARGE column and the shipping charge
adjustment in
BASEPRICE | DECIMAL (20,5) | If PRICE was converted from a currency different
from the order item currency,
BASEPRICE is the price that was converted to determine
the PRICE. |
BASECURRENCY | CHAR (3) | The currency of
TRACKNUMBER | VARCHAR (64) | Reserved for HCL internal use. |
TRACKDATE | TIMESTAMP | Reserved for HCL internal use. |
PREPAREFLAGS | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | Contains the following bit flags indicating
special processing associated with this order item:
- 1
- generated
The order item was generated during a previous execution of the
OrderPrepare command. The next time the OrderPrepare command is
run, it first removes all generated order items so that they can be
re-generated when applicable.
- 2
- priceOverride
The price of the order item (ORDERITEMS.PRICE) has been manually entered and
will not be changed by customer commands.
- 4
- fulfillmentCenterOverride
The fulfillment center has been manually specified and will not
be changed by customer commands.
- 8
- directCalculationCodeAttachment
CalculationCodes may be directly attached to the order item. The
default CalculationCodeCombineMethod will not look for direct
attachments unless this flag is true.
- 16
- shippingChargeByCarrier
The contract for this order item indicates that no shipping
charge will be calculated by HCL Commerce. It may be
calculated and charged by the carrier on fulfillment.
- 32
- quotation
The order item was obtained from a quotation. The price will not
be automatically refreshed by customer commands.
- 64
- notConfigured
Price lookup and inventory allocation for this order item is not
done using the component items found in the OICOMPddST table. This
flag does not need to be set for order items whose CONFIGURATIONID
column value is null.
- 128
- autoAdd
This order item, such as a free gift, was automatically added to
the order by the OrderCalculate command. This flag is for
information-display purposes only and does not affect price
- 256
- hasPersonalizationAttributes
The order item contains personalization attributes.
- 512
- skipRepricing
The order item was marked as not to be repriced. For example, it
is set as skipRepricing when a quote is generated into an order if
the quote has not expired.
- 1024
- shippingAdjusted
The order items shipping charge is manually adjusted.
- 2048
- priceRefreshed
The order items price has already been refreshed.
CORRELATIONGROUP | BIGINT | Normally this is the same as ORDERITEMS_ID , except:
1. When an order item is split by the AllocateInventory
task command, the newly created OrderItem inherits the
CORRELATIONGROUP value from the original order item. 2.
When the PREPAREFLAGS column indicates "quotation", the OrderItem inherits the
CORRELATIONGROUP value from the corresponding OrderItem in the parent
order. |
PROMISEDAVAILTIME | TIMESTAMP | When an order is placed (using the OrderProcess
command), this would be set to EstAvailTime. After that it would
normally not be updated, although a CSR could manually update this
to reflect a verbal commitment made to the customer. |
SHIPPINGOFFSET | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | An estimate of how many seconds it will take to
ship this item once the order is placed and inventory has been
allocated. |
NEEDEDQUANTITY | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | Quantity needed for fulfillment. If CATENTRY is
rounded to the nearest integer. |
ALLOCQUANTITY | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | Quantity allocated or backordered for this order
item. The quantity in BASEITEM.QUANTITYMEASURE units can be
calculated by multiplying this value by BASEITEM.QUANTITYMULTIPLE,
for the base item of the specified item indicated by
ALLOCFFMC_ID | INTEGER | The fulfillment center from which inventory for
this order item is allocated or backordered. |
ORDRELEASENUM | INTEGER | The associated order release, if any. |
CONFIGURATIONID | VARCHAR (128) | The identifier that is provided by an external
product configurator. This identifier represents a list of order
item components that are stored in the OICOMPLIST table. |
SUPPLIERDATA | VARCHAR (254) | This column is not populated or used by WebSphere
Commerce. The value for this column can be generated and used by
the external system that originates an order. This value can be
returned with a quotation, and sent when an order is placed on an
external system. For example, this column can be used to contain a
supplier distribution center ID. This field is not supported within
the Order Noun for component services. |
SUPPLIERPARTNUMBER | VARCHAR (254) | The supplier part number, if known. Suitable for
display to the customer. This field is not supported within the
Order Noun for component services. |
AVAILQUANTITY | INTEGER | If specified, indicates the quantity available
for purchase. |
ISEXPEDITED | CHAR (1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' | Indicates that the item should receive expedited
handling in fulfillment. Y indicates that it should receive
expedited handling. N indicates that it should not (this is the
default). |
OPTCOUNTER | SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | The optimistic concurrency control counter for
the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter
is incremented. |
REQUESTEDSHIPDATE | TIMESTAMP | The ship date that has been requested for the
order item. When no date (null) is specified, the ship date will be
whenever the item is available to be shipped. When a date is
specified, the ship date will be no sooner than the requested date.
This is because a backorder could delay the ship date beyond the
requested date. See the definition of
MAXFOOFFSET in the STORE table. |
TIECODE | SMALLINT | TieCode used for items that are shipping at the
same time (Ship Together). |