publishstore utility

Use the publishstore utility to publish store archives from a command line.


publishstore Syntax Diagram for AIX and Linux
WebSphere Commerce DeveloperWindows
publishstore Syntax Diagram for Windows

Parameter values

The fully qualified TCP/IP name of your WebSphere Commerce Server. Note that if you are using a remote web server, you should use the hostname of the remote web server.
The WebSphere Commerce Site Administrator's user ID. You must have Site Administrator access to publish a store archive.
The WebSphere Commerce Site Administrator's password.
The full path of the store archive on the host machine, for example, c:\WCDE_installdir\starterstores\ConsumerDirect\Aurora.sar.
Optional: The full file path to your custom parameters file on the host machine, for example, c:\ Create and use a parameters file if you want to override the store's default parameters. In the file, include name-value pairs to override the default parameter values, for example, STORE_DIR=AuroraB2B. If you do not specify a parameters file, the store is published with the default parameters.

If you are publishing the Aurora starter store, see the descriptions and examples in Example: parameters file for publishing the Aurora starter store.


The following example shows you how to use the command to publish a store archive from the command line:

  • LinuxAIXFor IBM i OS operating system
    ./ -svr myhost -userid wcsadmin -pwd wcsadmin -sar 
    -paramfile /
  • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperWindows
    publishstore myhost wcsadmin wcsadmin 
    c:\wcs\starterstores\ConsumerDirect\Aurora.sar c:\


If you do not specify a path to a custom paramfilepath, then the publishstore utility uses the default values for the parameters that are contained in the store archive. The publishstore utility does the following:

  • Creates a session and logs on to the running WebSphere Commerce Server (svr) by using the user ID (userid) and password (pwd) that you provide.
  • Issues a request to publish the store archive (SAR).
  • Displays the scheduled publish job number.
  • Polls the server and displays the status of the publishing job.