- Create catalog
- Delete catalog
- Change catalog external identifier
- Change catalog description
- Get all catalog details
- Get catalog details by catalog ID
- Get catalog details by identifier
- Get master catalog details
- Get sales catalog details
- Change catalog attributes
- Add catalog description
- Delete catalog description
- Get catalog entry components by ID
- Get catalog entry components by part number
- Get catalog entry details by ID
- Get catalog entry details by part number
- Get catalog entry merchandising associations by ID
- Get catalog entry merchandising associations by part number
- Get catalog entry summary by ID
- Get catalog entry summary by part number
- Get catalog entries for a parent catalog group
- Find catalog entry details by description
- Find catalog entry details by name
- Find catalog entry details by part number
- Find catalog entry summary by description
- Find catalog entry summaries by name
- Find catalog entry summary by part number
- Create a catalog entry
- Change a catalog entry description
- Delete a catalog entry
- Change a catalog entry parent
- Get category with all child objects
- Get category with child catalog entries
- Get category with child categories
- Get catalog group details by ID
- Get catalog group details by identifier
- Get catalog group merchandising associations by ID
- Get catalog group merchandising associations by identifier
- Get catalog group summary by ID
- Get catalog group summary by identifier
- Get catalog groups for a parent catalog group
- Get top categories
- Create catalog group
- Delete catalog group
- Link catalog group
- Unlink catalog group
- Change catalog group identifier
- Change catalog group description
- Change catalog group parent
- Update catalog group display sequence
- Add parent catalog group
- Add child catalog group
- Delete catalog group relationship
- Get top-level categories in the storefront
- Get catalog group details
- Get top-level categories in the administration tool
- Get catalog group summary
- Get catalog group advanced search
- Get catalog group associations
- Get merchandising association reference from catalog group
- Get catalog group by identifier and owner ID
- Get child categories of a catalog group
- Get parent catalog group of catalog entry
- Get parent catalog group of catalog group
- Get sales catalog reference from catalog group
- Catalog group search in all catalogs
- Get catalog group descriptions
- Returns the catalog navigation view for a page in the store.
- Get catalog navigation view for a catalog group by unique id or ids.
- Returns the catalog navigation view for the given unique id or ids.
- Get catalog navigation view for a catalog entry by unique id or ids.
- Returns the catalog navigation view for the given unique id or ids.
- Get catalog navigation view for a catalog entry by part number or numbers.
- Returns the catalog navigation view for the given part number or numbers.
- Creates a attachment.
- Deletes an attachment.
- Adds attachment assets to an attachment.
- Adds attachment descriptions to an attachment.
- Changes the attachment assets of an attachment.
- Changes the attachment descriptions of an attachment.
- Deletes the attachment assets from an attachment.
- Retrieves an attachment by using the unique identifier for the attachment.
- Retrieves the attachments to which an attachment asset is assigned.
- Retrieves all attachments under the current store.
- Creates a new managed directory.
- Deletes a managed directory.
- Retrieves the immediate subdirectories of a managed directory.
- Deletes a managed file.
- Retrieves the metadata of a managed file within a managed directory.
- Searches for a managed file by using the full path of the file, including the file name.
- Search business accounts by account name.
- Get Contract basic information by ContractIdentifier.
- Get basic information of contracts that are entitled to current user.
Gift Center
- Add an item to a gift list.
- Update an item in a gift list.
- Delete an item from a gift list.
- Update the description of a gift list.
- Update the event information for a gift list.
- Update the gift list registrant information.
- Add a co-registrant to a gift list.
- Update the co-registrant information for a gift list.
- Delete the specified co-registrant information from the gift list.
- Update the access options for the gift list.
- Update the state of the gift list.
- Create a gift list.
- Authenticate a gift list.
- Announce a gift list by using email.
- Delete a gift list.
- Check whether a gift list can be completed.
- Get a gift list by unique ID.
- Get a gift list by using an external identifier.
- Get a gift list by user ID of the registrant and the gift list type (wish list or gift
- Get a gift list by its external identifier and either of the access keys.
- Get gift lists that match search criteria.
- Get gift list items by the gift list external identifier.
- Get gift list announcements by the gift list external identifier.
- Get gift list purchase records by the gift list external identifier.
- Find the configurations of supported languages, default languages, countries, and more, for the
store in the current context.
- Find all configurations by using all available UniqueIDs for the current store in context.
- Find store
- Find store by ID
- Find store by external identifier
- Find store by name
- Find store by query
- Find store by advanced search
- Gets page layout information using either the unique ID of the page, the layout type ID,
or by the layout type and search criteria.
- Gets store page identifier by page type, object identifier, and the active page layout for the
- Locates detailed information about an installment price for a catalog entry.
- Creates an installment rule.
- Deletes an installment rule.
- Activates an installment rule.
- Deactivates an installment rule.
- Creates a catalog group association for an installment rule.
- Creates an installment option for an installment rule.
- Creates a payment method for an installment rule.
- Creates an installment condition for an installment rule.
- Creates a catalog entry association for an installment rule.
- Changes basic information for an installment rule.
- Changes installment options for an installment rule.
- Changes the condition for an installment rule.
- Deletes a payment method for an installment rule.
- Deletes a catalog group association for an installment rule.
- Deletes an installment condition for an installment rule.
- Deletes an installment option for an installment rule.
- Deletes a catalog entry association for an installment rule.
- Locates all installment rules under a particular store.
- Locates an installment rule by its unique ID.
- Locates installment rule summary information.
- Locates detailed information about an installment price for an order.
- Retrieves the inventory availability of an item at the locations specified
- Updates the cached inventory availability records
- Checks the inventory availability of order items in an order or shopping cart
- Reserves inventory for order items in an order or shopping cart
- Cancels the inventory reservations of order items in an order or shopping cart
- Decrements the cached inventory availability records by the requested quantities in an order or
shopping cart
- Gets ClientLocatoin information by client location ID.
- Creates new client location data in the database.
- Gets point of interests by proximity based on the latitude and longitude.
- Searches point of interests by identifier.
- Finds activities by activity IDs.
- Finds all activities in a store.
- Finds activities in a store by name or description.
- Finds all activities in a store by activity type.
- Finds activities in a store by activity type and name or description.
- Finds activities in a store by the owning campaign ID.
- Finds activities in a store by activity type and owning campaign ID.
- Finds related activities by the same activity family ID.
- Finds activities in a store that are associated with an e-Marketing Spot ID.
- Finds activities in a store that is associated with a category ID.
- Finds all activities in a store by catalog entry ID.
- Finds activities in a store that is associated with a marketing content ID.
- Finds activities in a store that is associated with a customer segment ID.
- Finds activities in a store that is associated with a marketing email template ID.
- Finds activities in a store that is associated with an email promotion ID.
- Finds activities in a store that is associated with the name of an element name-value pair.
- Finds all activity templates in a store.
- Finds all activity templates in a store by activity type.
- Finds activity templates in a store by name or description.
- Finds activity templates in a store by activity type and name or description.
- Finds campaign elements by element IDs.
- Finds campaign elements by the owning activity ID.
- Creates a activity.
- Deletes an existing activity.
- Activates an activity. The activity is available in the store.
- Deactivates an activity. The activity is unavailable in the store.
- Updates an existing activity.
- Creates a campaign element.
- Updates an existing campaign element.
- Deletes an existing campaign element.
- Find campaigns by campaign IDs.
- Find a campaign by activity ID.
- Find all campaigns in a store.
- Find all campaigns in a store by name or description.
- Find a campaign in a store by name.
- Find the name of a campaign in a store by the campaign ID.
- Update an existing campaign.
- Create a campaign.
- Delete an existing campaign.
- Finds all campaign element templates in a store.
- Finds campaign element templates in a store by type.
- Finds a campaign element template by the campaign element template ID.
- Finds a campaign element template in a store by the campaign element name and campaign element
- Finds marketing content by marketing content IDs.
- Finds marketing content descriptions by marketing content IDs.
- Finds all marketing content in a store.
- Finds marketing content in a store by name or by the marketing text it contains.
- Finds marketing content of a specific type in a store by name or by the marketing text it
- Finds marketing content by the attachment ID.
- Creates a marketing content.
- Deletes an existing marketing content.
- Updates an existing marketing content.
- Adds an attachment to the marketing content.
- Deletes the reference to an attachment.
- Creates a marketing content description.
- Updates an existing marketing content description.
- Deletes an existing marketing content description.
- Finds email templates by email template IDs.
- Finds all email templates in a store.
- Finds email templates in a store by name or description.
- Creates a email template.
- Deletes an existing email template.
- Updates an existing email template.
- Finds e-Marketing Spots in a store by e-Marketing Spot IDs.
- Finds all e-Marketing Spots in a store by spot usage. Valid values for usage are MARKETING and
- Finds e-Marketing Spots in a store by usage and name or description.
- Creates a e-Marketing Spot.
- Deletes an existing e-Marketing Spot.
- Updates an existing e-Marketing Spot.
- Adds default content to the e-Marketing Spot.
- Deletes default content from the e-Marketing Spot.
- Finds data to display to a customer in an e-Marketing Spot by e-Marketing Spot name.
- Records the occurrence of an event that is performed by the customer.
- Sends the occurrence of an event that was performed by the customer. Activities that are
interested in this event starts or continue activities for the customer. This action should be used
when the behavior rules are checked, and it has been determined which element in interested in this
- Processes a click on an e-Marketing Spot.
- Persists the current accumulated statistics to the database.
- Processes any applicable wait triggers and email activities.
- Clears the existing entries in the marketing and user behavior caches.
- Clears the existing entries in the marketing cache.
- Clears the existing entries in the user behavior cache.
- Loads the applicable trigger filter rules into the marketing cache.
- Check whether the specified order was influenced by the data that is displayed to the customer
in any e-Marketing Spots.
- Check whether the trigger event is applicable to any marketing activities.
- Check whether the trigger event is applicable to any Triggers in active marketing
- Check whether the trigger event is applicable to any Targets in active marketing
- Self registration of a person.
- Authenticates a person based on the following criteria: logon ID and password.
- Authenticates a person using an LTPA token value.
- Ends the session of the person based on the current identity token that is in the header.
- Reset password while authenticated.
- Reset password while unauthenticated.
- Create a guest user and a guest session that can be used in subsequent service requests.
- Update the person's profile information, including the contact information.
- Add an address into the address book.
- Update an address in the address book.
- Delete an address from the address book.
- Update the checkout profile.
- Find current person.
- Find by unique ID.
- Find by logon ID.
- Find by distinguished name.
- Person basic search.
- Registers an organization.
- Updates an organization, including its contact information.
- Adds an address to the organization's address book.
- Updates an address in the organization's address book.
- Deletes an address from the organization's address book.
- Find by unique ID.
- Find by distinguished name.
- Find by multiple unique IDs.
- Find by name and owner ID.
- Find by usage.
- Find by unique ID of group and unique ID of included person.
- Find by external name and usage.
- Find by multiple unique IDs.
- Find by multiple unique IDs.
- Creates a member group.
- Activate a member group.
- Deletes an existing member group.
- Creates a member group description.
- Creates a member group condition element.
- Add a person as included member to the member group.
- Add an organization as included member to the member group.
- Add a person as excluded member to the member group.
- Add an organization as excluded member to the member group.
- Changes the base MemberGroup information.
- Change a member group description.
- Change a member group condition element.
- Deletes a member group description.
- Delete a member group condition element.
- Delete a person as included member to the member group.
- Delete an organization as included member to the member group.
- Delete a person as excluded member to the member group.
- Delete an organization as excluded member to the member group.
- Prepare Order.
- Submit Order.
- Delete Shopping Cart.
- Check out order with profile.
- Schedule an order.
- Cancel a scheduled order.
- Calculate charges for an order in external system.
- Get the information of the current shopping cart.
- Get the current shopping cart.
- Get the current shopping cart.
- Get the order information by order identifier.
- Get the order items by order identifier with pagination information.
- Get the information of the orders by order status.
- Get the information of the orders by order status with pagination information.
- Get all the usable shipping information for the order.
- Get all the usable shipping information for the order with pagination on order items.
- Get all the usable payment information for the order.
- Get the order amount of the purchase history by the member identifier, order status, and date.
- Get the order item history by store identifier, order items status, and order item create date.
- Get the order item history by product identifier, store identifier, member identifier, order
items status, and order item create date.
- Get the purchase history by the member identifier, order status, and date with pagination
- Get the all the scheduled order information by the member identifier, scheduled start time, and
store identifier.
- Get order details by external order ID.
- Create order item.
- Update order item.
- Delete order item.
- Create the payment instruction.
- Update the payment instruction.
- Delete the payment instruction.
- Create multiple payment instructions.
- Delete multiple payment instructions.
- Update the shipping information of the order item.
- Update the shipping information in order level.
- Submit a quote to external system.
- Get all quotes placed by current member in current store with a specific order status.
- Get quote details by external quote ID. It is an inbound service that calls GetQuote outbound
service to get data from external system.
Page Layout
- Create a page layout.
- Delete a page layout and all associated page locations and widgets.
- Add a page location association for a page layout.
- Add a widget to a page layout.
- Add extended data to a widget.
- Create a single slot on a page layout.
- Change an existing page layout.
- Change an existing page layout location.
- Change a widget on a page layout.
- Change extended data for a widget.
- Delete a fragment of extended data in a widget.
- Remove a page or search term location from a layout.
- Get page layout details by unique ID.
- Get details for several page layouts given a list of unique IDs.
- Get all page layouts or layout templates for a store.
- Get all of the assigned page layout locations for the page layout that is specified by the
unique ID.
- Get all page layouts that are assigned to a particular page.
- Get the list of Layout templates by device class.
- Get a list of layouts that satisfy search criteria.
- Get a list of layouts that satisfy search criteria.
- Get a list of page layouts that are associated with the specified e-Marketing Spot ID.
- Get layouts that contain a widget that uses a type of extended data.
- Create a page.
- Delete a page.
- Change a page to add SEO details.
- Change a page to add a SEO URL.
- Update page properties such as the administrative name of the page.
- Change page SEO properties, including the page title, meta description, and meta keyword.
- Change the SEO URL for a page.
- Change a page to remove SEO associations.
- Get page information using the page unique ID.
- Get a list of pages using a list of page unique IDs.
- Search for pages by name in the current store.
- Get a page using the page name.
- Get all pages in the current store.
- Get all page in the current store by a specific page group.
- Get all content pages for the current store.
- Get a page design for a page group, device class, and the object identifier of the object that
is being rendered on a store page.
- Get a page design using a unique ID
- Get a page design using a layout activity ID.
- Get a widget definition using one or more unique IDs.
- Get all widget definitions that are subscribed to by the store that is set within the request
- Get all widget definitions of a particular type
PriceList |
- Get the information of a price list according to unique ID of the price list.
- Get the information of a price entry (offer) according to the unique ID of the price list, and
the catalog ID and the qualifier of the price entry.
- Get the information of a price entry according to the catalog ID and the qualifier of the price
- Get the information of a price entry according to the catalog ID of the price entry.
- Get the entitled price detail information for a shopper according to the part number, quantity,
UOM, and currency.
- Create a price entry in the price list.
- Update an existing price entry in a price list.
- Update the unit price of an existing price entry in a price list.
- Update a unit price in alternative currency of an existing price entry in a price list.
- Delete a price entry in a price list.
- Delete a unit price in alternative currency in a price entry in a price list.
DisplayPrice |
EntitledPrice |
PriceConstant |
PriceEquation |
PriceRule |
- Creates a promotion description.
- Creates a promotion element and element name-value pairs.
- Changes the base Promotion information.
- Changes a promotion description.
- Changes a promotion element and element name-value pairs.
- Deletes a promotion description.
- Deletes a promotion element and element name-value pairs.
- Gets promotion information by PromotionIdentifier. Detailed information about a promotion and
its description is returned.
- Gets promotion information by PromotionIdentifier. Summary information about a promotion and
information about its elements are returned.
- Gets promotion information for a store. Detailed information about a promotion and its
description is returned.
- Gets promotion information that is associated with the 'ID' value of a predefined element
- Gets promotion information with a search pattern.
- Creates a promotion.
- Activates a promotion.
- Deactivates a promotion.
- Marks a promotion for deletion.
- Create a search term association of type Synonym, AlsoSearchFor, SearchForInstead, and
- Delete a search term association.
- Update the search terms or associated terms of a search term association.
- Get the search term associations corresponding to the specified association types, for the
current store path and data languages.
- Get the search term associations of the specified association type that have the specified
search term, for the current store path and data languages.
- Get the search term associations that need to be published to the search engine, for the current
store's master catalog.
- Gets the top-level geo nodes.
- Gets the child geo nodes of a parent geo node.
- Gets the geo nodes by type and name.
- Gets stores by using the unique store ID.
- Gets stores by using the store identifier.
- Gets stores by using the unique store ID and store identifier.
- Gets stores by using the unique geo node ID.
- Gets stores by using the unique geo node ID and additional attributes.
- Gets stores based on a geo code representing the starting location.
- Gets stores based on a geo code representing the starting location and additional
- Gets stores based on its unique store location ID representing the starting location.
- Gets stores based on its store location identifier representing the starting location.
- Gets stores based on its unique store location ID representing the starting location and
additional attributes.
- Gets stores based on its store location identifier representing the starting location and
additional attributes.
- Create a subscription entity for both recurring order and subscriptions.
- Activate a subscription or a recurring order which is in inactive state.
- Cancel a subscription or a recurring order.
- Determine whether the subscription being created is renewed from an existing subscription of the
- Get the details of a subscription entity for both subscription and recurring order by using the
uniqueID of the subscription entity.
- Get the information of the recurring order or subscription of a registered user by using the
memberID of the registered user and the subscription type code.
- Creates a digital wallet.
- Deletes a digital wallet.
- Migrates a digital wallet to a new user.
- Locates a digital wallet by its unique ID.
- Locates a digital wallet by its name.
- Locates a digital wallet by its owner ID, name, and store ID.
- Creates a wallet item.
- Deletes a wallet item.
- Locates a wallet item by its unique ID.
- Locates a wallet item by its name and the unique ID of the digital wallet.
- Locates wallet items by the unique ID of the digital wallet.
- Locates wallet items of a particular type by the unique ID of the digital wallet.
- Locates digital coupons (wallet items of type 'Coupon') of a particular status by the unique ID
of the digital wallet.
- Locates digital coupons (wallet items of type 'Coupon') applied to an order by the unique ID of
the digital wallet and the unique ID of the order.