Viewing workspace tasks and task details

Tasks provide a separation of responsibility. Each task is an individual unit of work that contributes to the completion of an activity. You can view tasks that are assigned to you in the Management Center.


  1. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Business tools > Workspace > Task List.
  2. Open the Workspace Management tool.
    The following task folders are shown in the Explorer view:
    Folder Context for Workspace Content Contributors Context for Workspace Task Group Approvers
    To Do Displays the tasks that require action. These tasks can be To Do, Re-Do, or Working. Displays the completed task groups that are pending your approval.
    Completed Displays the tasks that are completed. These tasks belong to a task group that is pending approval Displays the completed task groups. Tasks in this folder are complete for Workspace Task Group Approvers.
    Approved Displays the tasks that are approved. These tasks belong to an approved task group. Tasks in this folder are complete for Workspace Content Contributors. Displays the approved task groups. Task groups are moved from Approved to Completed by a scheduled job.
    Canceled Displays the tasks that are canceled. Displays the canceled task groups.
  3. Click a folder. The tasks that are contained in the folder display in the list view.
  4. To view task details, double-click the task in the list view, or right-click and select Open. The General Properties view of the task displays:
    Code The language independent task identifier. This field is read-only.
    Type An icon that represents the type of business object. This field is read-only.
    Name The name of the task.
    Status The status of a task in the workspace. This field is read-only. The task status can be one of To Do To Do, Re-Do Re-Do, Working Work in progress, Completed Completed, Pending ApprovalPending Approval, Approved Approved, or Canceled Canceled.
    Due Date The year, month, and day for the task to be completed. This is an informational field. This property is read-only.
    Date Completed The date that the task is marked as completed. This field is read-only.
    Date Approved The date that the task was approved. This field is read-only.
    Task Group The name of the task group that the task is associated with. This field is read-only.
    Workspace The name of the workspace that the task is associated with. This field is read-only.
  5. Click the Comments tab to view any comments.