Working on approved content
If workspaces are enabled, you might have to work on content outside of a workspace. For instance, if you have changes or additions that must be made quickly without the need for approvals.
About this task
The production-ready database is an intermediate staging database that is essentially the same as the production database. Any data in the production-ready database moves to the production database by using the stagingprop utility utility.
To work on approved content:
Open the Workspace Management tool..
When you are in the Workspace Management tool, all other Management Center tools are in read-only mode until a task is selected and changed to the Work in progress state, or until you select Work On Approved Content.
Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click .
From the File menu, select , or on the toolbar, click
The Management Center tools are now available for use. - Go to the Management Center menu and select a tool to start working in.