HCL Commerce Version or later

Create managed file for marketing content

You can create marketing content that contains a managed file by dragging a managed file into the Associated asset table. You must specify the Content type as Asset. The UI will implicitly create an Attachment that contains the Managed File.


  1. Open the Management Center.
  2. From the hamburger menu, click Marketing. The Marketing page is displayed.
  3. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Business tools > Marketing > Content.
  4. Select the Extended Site Catalog Asset Store. Category List is displayed.
  5. Double click on the Content. Select Content Type as Asset.
  6. Enter * in associated asset's search field and click Find and Add. Utilities pane opens.
  7. Drag an Attachment from Utilities and drop it in the Associated Assets table.
  8. Click Save, the attachment gets saved for marketing content.