Changing static HTML starter store files

You can use the static HTML store to accelerate your web design cycle. When web designers use the static HTML store as a starting point, the cost of building user interface within the JSP files is reduced. You can modify the HTML and CSS files using your favorite web design tools and without a development environment. The changes can be incorporated into the corresponding JSP files by a store developer at a more convenient time.


To modify the HTML, CSS, or both for the static HTML files:
  1. Open the static HTML starter store asset.
    The package contains different folders such as dojo15, and various store scenarios packages.
  2. To change the store scenario packages, browse to the package, and open the HTML file that you want to change.
    Note: Track the files that you modify and what changes you make to each one to prevent more work in future steps.
  3. Using debugging tools such as Firebug, find the respective CSS file and classes to modify to change the appearance of the HTML page.
  4. Open the CSS file, and make any necessary changes in the file.
  5. Save your changes, and ensure that the changes are as expected.
    Note: To ensure that tags are maintained, do not remove this code from static HTML store files:
    <!-- BEGIN BreadCrumbTrailDisplay.jsp -->
    <div class="highlight">
    <div class="jspcaption" style="display:none">BreadCrumbTrailDisplay.jsp</div>
    ... ...
    <!-- END BreadCrumbTrailDisplay.jsp -->

What to do next

A store developer must implement the changes in JSP files.