Linking Product Advisor pages
This section explains how to create links between Product Advisor pages.
Add the GenericLinkDataBean to your JSP file, as in the example
<jsp:useBean id="pcLink"
<jsp:setProperty property="linkPage"
value="/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/pc51.jsp" />
<jsp:setProperty property="image" name="pcLink"
locale/prod_comp.gif "
<jsp:setProperty property="text" name="pcLink"
value="Product Comparison" />
<jsp:setProperty property="*" name="pcLink" />
Note: The sample JSP files automatically
process the locale variable listed above by passing in a value based on the
customer's locale.Results
When you add the GenericLinkDataBean to a JSP file, a button is added to the page, and a link is created to the page specified in the linkPage property. In the example above, the link is to the pc51.jsp page. The button is the graphic, prod_comp.gif. The page should include a category_id as a parameter. The button will only be displayed if a metaphor exists for the specified category_id.